Tutor Time - 23

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"So, Ken. What do we have to put in the introduction to the essay?" Miss Fredrick asked the boy sitting at the back of the class.
He shrugged. "I don't know. Words?" He answered. Chuckles were heard around the room but Miss just rolled her eyes.
"Very funny Ken. Now what's the real answer?" She tapped her foot and clicked the whiteboard pen.
"Purpose, genre, audience and subject." He huffed.
She turned on her heals, writing it all on the board. "Exactly. See that wasn't so hard."

The metallic bell rang loudly, hitting every surface of the room. The class was already halfway out the door when Miss Fredrick announced "Okay, put your stuff away." She turned around to face the half disappeared class. "Oh (Y/N) and Mark. Can I have a word with you both quickly." She requested.
I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again. Pushing my way back through the gaggle of people frantically exiting the room to get home, I walked back towards her desk. Mark plodded down from the back of the room where he, Ken and Felix had been sitting.
"What's up teach?" He asked cockily leaning against the edge of the table.
I rolled my eyes at his actions. If it want for his amazing maths and science grades this guy would have been kicked out years ago for his terrible grades in every other subject.
"Well" Miss Fredrick started. "Mark, your grades are getting worse. Your essays are ungradable and you don't listen to the feed back I give." She spoke sincerely.
He looked blankly at her. "Okay. So?"
She looked to me. "So I was wondering if (Y/N), you could tutor Mark the English syllabus? Once a week maybe? It would be a great help." He urged.
"Oh-um. Ur-well-um. I. I guess?" I looked at Mark who's eyed were squinting. I couldn't tell if he was angry or confused. Mark was pretty popular around school. Felix was the most popular and Ken and Mark were his best friends. So it wasn't uncommon to see Mark get angry at someone, and his was not someone you would want him to be angry at, purely because he held a grudge and you give you the stare.
Mark looked at me, his eyes softening. "If you don't mind I'll do it." He told me. I nodded.
Miss Fredrick picked up her pens and put them in her handbag. "Brilliant. I'll leave you to discuss times. See you on Monday." She hurried off.

Mark and I were left standing in the room in silence. "Sooo." Mark looked around the room. "You free today? Wanna come to mine and revise?" He suggested a little awkwardly.
I nodded slowly. "Um yer sure." I agreed.
We walked out of the school to Marks car. I climbed in the passenger side of the small black machine and he got in next to me. "Alright?" He asked.
I nodded, smiling to my left to face him. He pulled out of the parking space, out the school gates and down the road. I watched out the window as the world hurtled past my. Rows of houses built up the streets. Groups of people occupied the paths. Clouds dominated the blue sky up above.

He pulled up a drive way and stopped his car. "Home sweet home." He announced climbing out his side. I mirrored him, pushing the door open and standing in front of his house. Mark walked with me up to the front door, slotting the key into the lock and opening the large grey door. He pushed it open "after you." He allowed me in. I stepped into the large house looking around the front hall. It was homely especially for its size. He walked up the stairs taking my hand and escorting me to his room. My hear skipped a beat slightly when his hand connected with mine. There was no way of denying that Mark was cute. There was no way he wasn't.

We sat on the floor of his room facing each other. I got the textbook out of my bag and he took a pen and paper from his. "Okay. To be honest it's quite simple. All you have to do it read the text like this one," I started turning back the textbook to face him and pointing at the large body of writing in the middle. "Then you just write how it shows meanings. If your ever stuck write about semantic fields or graphology. They are the easiest." I explained to him.
Mark started at me blankly as I looked up at him. "What's a semantic field?" He asked looking a little scared that he didn't understand 'the easiest thing'.
I pointed at a word on the page. "That's a semantic field. It's words that link to a specific subject. Like, for example, motor, brake, exhaust link to the semantic field of cars." I told him.
He nodded. "So you could say that, controller, RPG and sandbox link to gaming?" He made sure.
I nodded. "Yer. If it helps to link it to gaming then do that." I assured him.
He smiled happily. He looked genuinely chuffed that he had learnt something.

The evening was spent looking at different language levels, theorists and structures of paragraphs. Nothing was in great detail as he was only just getting the hang of it. I couldn't help but feel his eyes on me a lot of the time. I brushed it off as him reassuring himself that he wasn't annoying me as he had a lot of questions. But when I caught him looking at me once he instantly put his head down and wrote some words that I had said. It made me chuckle slightly.

It was getting late and I knew my mum would be going out of her mind if I wasn't back by a certain time. "I should get going soon." I told Mark turning the page of the book and studying the section.
He quickly bought his head up to look at me. "Do you have to go yet?" He asked shyly. I had never seen him so shy before. He was normally really chatty and would take any chance to talk to someone. But not at this very second. It was as if Mark felt vulnerable. Like he needed someone to hold him close.
I stained deeply into his eyes. "I could stay for a tiny bit longer." I told him.
His eyes brightened and smile broadened. He scratched the back of his head looking down again. "So, (Y/N). I was thinking, and I know people don't think I do that a lot, but you know. You're really pretty and um. I don't know where I was going with this to be honest." He stuttered out awkwardly.
It was sweet how different he was when he wasn't around his friends and he didn't have to act all tough. He seemed very sensitive.

I wasn't a confident person. I don't do things on impulse. I think things through. I plan every move wisely. But in that moment I didn't care about consequences. I bought my hand up to his chin and tilted it up to look him in the eye. He leaned forward as did I. Our lips connected and the spark that I felt when he held my hand was turned up to a million. We both relaxed into the kiss and he gently bit down on my lip. He ran his tongue along it and deepened the kiss further. We soon pulled away, catching our breath and looking at one another. We both had small, meaningful smiles on our faces.
My phone started ringing next to me and I sighed. 'Mum' the caller id read. "Oh shit." I picked up the phone hearing her shout at me numerous reasons she though I wasn't home and what she thought could have happened. I rolled my eyes silently apologising to Mark. He laughed and helped pack up my things as my mum continued to shout. "Mum I was helping a friend with work. Miss Fredrick asked me to." I assured her.
The woman stopped shouting and it was as though you could here her smile. "Okay. Be home in 10 minutes alright." She finally said, hanging up the phone.

Mark walked me down the stairs and I opened the door. "Thank you so much for the help and stuff." He smiled.
"No problem." I replied.
I was about to turn and leave when he placed his hand on my waist. "Hey. Could I get your number then we could do this again?" Mark asked. I nodded handing him my phone to add his contact. He leant forward placing a soft kiss on my lips and handing the phone back. "Text me when your home so I know your okay." He ordered.

I waved to him walking back home to my over protective mother. I looked at his contact when I got home. 'Mark the most wonderful of people ever' he had named himself. I laughed at him texting the number to confirm I had not been abduct by aliens. That started a late night convocation till 2 am.


I like this one a lot. Why? I don't know. But I actually enjoyed writing this. Hope you like it to! -A

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