Septiplier - 50

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Sorry for long A/N at the end, but thank you guys so much. You are amazing!

He kicked the back of my chair for the 50th time this lesson. 20 minutes in and I'm already on the verge of a full on melt down and i'll be taking that bastard down with me. He kicked it once more and I snapped. I stood up, turned around and slammed my hands on his desk. "Would you kindly, fuck off!" I shout, not caring that the teacher in front of me has a displeased scowl upon her face.
"Mark, sit down." She called. I snapped my head round to her and begrudgingly fell back into my chair. I sent the boy behind me warning glares but he just silently chuckled.

Why is it that when you are gay you are automatically a prime target for bullies. It's not fare. It's not like I'm any different to them. I'm still human. I still have arms and legs. I still breath oxygen. The only difference is that I am attracted to guys. Not all guys obviously like some people think. Like I could be attracted to that dimwit behind me. I wouldn't come writhing 5 miles of him isle I had any say in the matter.
No, I liked sweet boys. Boys that cared about others, had cute little laughs, were a little shorter than others and had mesmerising accents. Well really I liked Jack but that's not the point. The point is, the guys saw me as an easy target and took full advantage of this.
I was lucky. I had 5 good friends that would be there for me no matter what. Bob, Wade, Jack, Jesse and Tyler. And I couldn't ask for better friends. They were the most anoying people on the planet, but the best.

It got to lunch and I sat with my best friends. "I heard what happened in English." Jack whispered beside me so no one else would hear. I hung my head low, not wanting him to see me weak. I wanted to be able to protect him and make him feel safe. But right now I'm just the pathetic gay friend. "Come with me. We're going to talk." He grabbed my hand and took me away from the safe table of friends and out to the steps round the back of the language block. No one came here so we knew we could talk privately. "So come on. What's up?" Jack sat on the steps and looked up at me as I sat down next to him.
I shrugged. "I don't know what your talking about. I'm fine. Honestly." I assured him.
He gave me a knowing look. "I'm not stupid Mark. Do I look stupid to you? Huh?" He asked getting in my face making me laugh at his stupidity.
"Right now, yes you do look stupid." I chucked as he sat back where he was. We were sat so close our knees were touching and our arms leant against one another.

He nudged me with his side making me smile at the ground. "Come on. I hate seeing you sad. Please tell me." He pleaded honestly.
I sighed. "Everyone is just getting on my nerves you know. Even the small things are just getting to me and it's all so annoying. Plus the guy that I like doesn't like me back and all I want is a hug." I ranted. I sounded pathetic but I didn't care. I trusted Jack. I always will.
He nodded. "I get what you mean. I'm exactly the same." He commented.
I whipped round to look at him. "What? Do you mean like, the girl you like doesn't like you?" I asked, confirming if I heard him right.
Jack shook his head. "No I mean the guy I like doesn't like me. You heard me right first time." He admitted. I looked at him in pure shock. He never said anything. I didn't know what to say so I just stared into his beautiful sapphire blue eyes. "I'm to scared to tell anyone else, but your my best friend so I just wanted to tell you. Please don't tell anyone Mark." He asked.
I nodded frantically. "Of course. I would never." I smiled at the younger Irish boy and he wrapped his small arms around me, hugging me tight.

"You know I told you that all I wanted was a hug from that boy." I spoke cautiously. Jack looked up with his big eyes into mine and nodded. "Well, that just happened." I smiled not looking at Jack, half overjoyed that I had finally got it off my chest and half worded he would freak out. But his arms didn't move from their place around my body and his lips came up and placed a small kiss on my cheek. My already rosy cheeks heated up and Jack rested his head on my shoulder.
"Your so cute when you blush." He commented making me furrows my eyebrows, still smiling.
"Am not. I'm as hard as nails. I could crush a babies skull." I contributed.
Jack just laughed. "Yer as hard as my finger nails maybe. I don't really think thats something to start pressing round my dear friend. Guys don't want you killing children Makrimoo." He giggled.
I laughed at my best friend and nodded. "I'm probably the biggest teddy bear their is to be honest." I stared across the field I front of us.
"Can you be my teddy bear?" Jack asked timidly.
I placed a quick kiss on the top of his head. "I'll always be your teddy bear. I'm the best at hugs, you can't deny it." I hugged him tight as we sat on the steps waiting for the bell to pull us apart and hurry us to our next lesson of the boring day.


To celebrate 50 imagines I thought I'd do a little Septiplier imagine. It does say it in the description so.... I know it's a Mark x Reader book but one or two Septiplier imagines won't hurt. Normality will resume next chapter.

Just want to say thank you so much for reading up to this point. I truly appreciate every one of you reading all my crap. Thank you so much!

Lastly, I don't know how many parts I will be able to upload this week because stress levels are at an all time high. I have my 10 hour photography exam on Wednesday and Thursday and I haven't finished the prep work. Sorry but school is obviously my priority right now if I don't want to get kicked out. Love you guys and thanks once again! -A

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