Live Stream - 11

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Mark, Wade and Bob sat on the sofa in the front room doing the monthly charity live stream while you sat at the kitchen table.
Mark had recently been doing his live streams by himself but Bob and Wade had flown to LA to see him so they decided to do the stream together like they used to. This time they were playing Mario Maker together. Taking it in turns to battle Ross' levels, popular levels, fan-made levels then making ones of their own to get Wade to fail at.

"Ahhh. Finally. It's over." Mark sighed in relief running to the flag at the end of the level and falling back into the sofa.
He handed the controller to Bob and went down the levels selecting a challenging one.
Mark looked over at his laptop next to him. "Okay while that loads and Bob fails a few times I'm gonna look through the chat." He announced looking back at the camera positioned underneath the TV.
Mark and Wade both looked at the words flying down the page faster than sonic. "Oh my god, this is going to quick. I forgot how fast this went." Wade complained trying to study the whizzing convocations and questions leaping down the screen.
"Okay. somekidwithaname says 'WADE HAVE MY CHILDREN'!" Mark shouted, imitating the commenter.
Wade fixed his eyes to the camera and simply said "no thank you" before looking back at the screen.
Mark laughed hard while Bob still couldn't get to the check point in the middle.
Wade attempted to read the chat. "I can't read any of this... Oh hold on! Ishipitall69 says 'please can (Y/N) join you?!'" Wade looked at Mark.
The chat began erupting with 'oh my god yes!', '(Y/N) is so cute', '(Y/N)iplier for life' and other configurations of that.

Mark shrugged. "Okay then. (Y/N)!!!" Mark screamed loudly, rolling over the top of the sofa and flopping onto the floor. He skipped through the house and to the kitchen where you were eating a sandwich.
Mark wrapped his arms round you from behind giving you a gentle squeeze. "Hey babe." He murmured in your ear, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Wanna come and play games with us?" He asked in a low and quite voice.
You turned in his arms to face him. "I'm worried they will hate me." You said honestly looking down at your odd socks. Last time you were in a video, you really found out how much some people hated you. You expected it but it was worse than you imagined.
"(Y/N), they asked for you to come. Please. I wont let them say anything bad. Pwomis." He spoke.
You reluctantly agreed but began feeling exited.

Your boyfriend lead you to the sofa, his hand clasped firmly to yours. He let go of you and slotted himself back in between Wade and Bob. You sat on the arm of the chair and Mark looked at you.
"(Y/N)'s here. Yay" Wade cheered as Bob finished the level after dyeing 58 times.

You watched the screen as Wade attempted one of Ross' levels. Your eyes couldn't help but glance over at the chat, your chest instantly tightening. You read a mixture of comments. Some about how hot Mark looked, some about Wade being and idiot, one or two about you and Mark bring cute, but a lot hating on you for being there. Manly from one specific girl; 'imsocooliplier'.

You looked disheartened and Mark could see. When he stopped laughing at Wade being the biggest doofus on the planet, he looked over at you. He teacher over Bob, taking your hand and pulling you over to him.
It took you by surprise and you fell across both Bob and Marks laps. "Sorry Bob." You apologised.
Sitting up, the blue haired man put his arm around your waist and pulled you next to him. He kissed your cheek, temporarily forgetting there was a camera and it was live.

Wade through his hands in the air. "I give up. It's impossible. I can't even get to the first check point. This is ridiculous." He sulked handing the controller to Mark next to him.
"Let's let (Y/N) try this one." Bob suggested.

You nodded smiling widely. You were secretly a pro at Mario. Getting though the entire level in only 3 goes the boys sat around you speechless.
"How?!" Wade whimpered.

The comments blew up with the best statements of the stream. 'She knows how to play Mario!', 'haha Wade was beaten by (Y/N). Well done my girl', 'This is why I love her.' And other encouraging words popped making both you and Mark smile.

You finally felt accepted.


Oh my god! Over 100 READS?! This is awesome. Thanks you. Thank you to everyone who has been voting, commenting and reading. You are brilliant! -A

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