Tutor Time #2 - 28

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Suggested by the very lovely gameboydark . Part one was one of my favourites to write so I was really happy when you wanted another part to it. By the way check out her imagines, if you haven't already, because they are AWESOME!


"Ugh! I just don't get it (Y/N)!" Mark threw his pen across the room and held his head in his hands. We had been having another tutoring session but things had just got harder. I tried to explain the difference between an abstract noun, collective noun, compound noun, concrete noun and a
proper noun. He was struggling to say the least.
I picked up his pen and placed it in his book. "Mark it's okay. It took me forever to understand them." I told him, moving round to sit next to him.
"But I forget want a noun even is sometimes." He admitted sheepishly.
I rested my head on his shoulder. "That's alright. Here's a thought. Noun begins with N and are names of things which also begins with an N. Remember that. You don't have to put the type of noun if you really don't know." I spoke softly. Mark kissed the top of my head saying a silent thank you. I looked up at him and smiled.
"How much longer do we need to do this for? I just want to cuddle." Mark complained.
I giggled. "One section left, then we can do whatever." I turned the page while Mark watched my every move. "Okay, what type of sentence is that?" I pointed to the page.
"A declarative?" He said, scrunching his face, unsure. I nodded to him and I continued till we got to the bottom of the page.

Once he had named the sentences I closed the book. "Done." I supply said. Mark took this opportunity to pick me up and drop me onto the bed. I sat up with a frown and Mark lead down next to me. I then smiled at his cute face and cuddled next to him. We stayed in this place for around half an hour just talking before Mark started sounding nervous. "(Y/N). You know I'm not doing the best in all my subjects?" He began. I sat so my head was being proper up by my arm and Mark did the same. I nodded slowly. "Well the thing is, this week is exam week and if I do t get above a C in at least 4 subjects," he hesitated for a moment. "I'm gonna be kicked out." He told me.
I looked him deep in the eyes. "Where will you go if you get kicked out? Which I'm pretty sure you won't." I asked unsure.
He shrugged. "That's the problem. There isn't another high school for a long way. So I'll have to move. I don't know where to. I do t want to leave school. Leave Felix and Ken. Leave you." He worried. I could see he was truly terrified that he would have to go. We lived in a large town, but one that was a lot further from other ones.
I drew him into a hug and he sniffed a little. "It's going to be alright. You can do it. Maths and Science are absolutely fine, computing should be okay, English will be alright if you remember this stuff." I tried to reassure him.
He just hugged me tighter. "Thank you (Y/N). I love you." He spoke slowly. I froze.
We had been going out for a few months now, what was the normal point for someone to tell you they loved you? To be honest I still don't know, but I did know he meant it. I softened up and replied "I love you too." I told him sincerely. He kissed my cheek and I let go of him. He pulled away but left his hands on my back. Mark leant forward and I kissed him. It was as though he needed it. He wanted to feel like someone was there for him. But it was also filled with love.

The next day, I walked into English, ready to take the test. I sat at my place when Ken came and knelt down next to me. "Um (Y/N). Have you seen Mark. We can't find him anywhere. He didn't walk to school with us and I haven't seen him all day." He enquired. As he finished, the red haired boy burst through the door and scurried to his seat. "You know what. Don't worry I think we found him." He smiled, tapping my desk and getting up.
Where had he been? He is never without his friends. He gets to lonely. I thought to myself.
The test began and I put my head down, writing paragraph after paragraph. I looked over at Mark a few times to see him chewing the end of his pen or vigorously scribbling what I think we're words into his page.

At the end, Mark sprinted out of the room but Ken and I couldn't catch up to him quick enough. "Where the hell does he keep going?" Felix asked coming up behind us. I just shrugged having no idea.

//Time skip// 3 days.

I walked out of my History class to be greeted by my smug faced boyfriend fanning himself with a sheet of a4 paper. "What the hell are you doing?" I laughed standing in front of him. He handed me the paper and smiled joyfully. I read it over 5, maybe 6, times. I looked at the 4 highlighted parts.
Mark Edward Fischbach
Maths - A
Science - B
Computing - C
English - B
There were a lot of E's and D's scattered between the exceptional grades. I looked up at him, handing him back his report. I hugged him tight. "This is amazing!" I grinned.
"I know right. I went to the library before every exam and actually studied. Well for like and hour. But at least I did something." He squeezed excitedly. He was so proud of himself. It was sweet. I giggled at his giddiness. "Can we skip class to go out for a bit? Promise we won't get caught." Mark asked.
I shook my head, chuckling. "You just found out you wernt getting kicked out, so to celebrate your gonna get yourself kicked out, and drag me down with you?" I giggled.
He nodded. "Yep. Now I won't be alone. Ken and Felix are coming to." He popped the p of yep and made puppy eyes.
I sighed. "Fine I'll come. But if anyone asks I'll say it's your fault." I took his hand and walked to meet Ken and Felix.
"That's fine with me!" Mark smiled.


You guys are so lovely. I know I sound all sappy and stupid but you are the best! -A
(Just need to fangirl quickly: PTV just announced their album is being released on the 13th of May. It's going to be amazing. hold on till may.)

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