50 WHAT?!? A/N

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Okay. What? 50 thousand reads?! This is insane! You have no idea how much this means to me! You honestly don't. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! This is amazing. Thank you, thank you!

Wow. Oh my god. I was not expecting this, ever. I can't even think of what to say except thank you. Really. If you told me when I started this book that I would get over 100 reads I would not believe you. And now it just feels like a dream. I wish I could show this to my English teacher and prove that at least you guys like my writing.

I don't even feel like I have properly introduced myself to anyone. I'm just so weird fangirl on the internet, writing even weirder fanfics. But hey. I'm Abi. And I hope you have been likening my Imagines so far.

There will be more soon. Just got to get all my course work for school in order and I'll resume writing. I'll be back really soon. (:

Again thank you. This is really incredible. You are all the best!
Hope you have a wonderful day/night. Thanks. x

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