Under The Stars - 27

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He told me to wear whatever was most comfortable. He told me to be ready for 9pm. He told me it was a surprise. And it defiantly was.

You got in from work, tied and board. On the bright side it was Friday. On the downside you actually had to go into work tomorrow to finish the last papers.
You dumped all your stuff on the floor of your room and flopped on the bed that you and Mark shared. Mark wandered in after you and fell onto the bed to, pulling you close to him into a hug. You rested your head in his chest and he spoke softly. "Hey. I'm taking you on an adventure." You lifted your head from him and looked at him slightly perplexed. "Don't ask. Just get changed into anything you like and we'll leave at 9. Okay?" He smiled hinting at a bit of nervousness.
"Okay" you smiled, still confused but you just went with it. Your boyfriend got up winking at you and went downstairs.

You had half an hour to get ready so you slipped on your black jeans, white top and layered it with a blue flannel shirt. Walking down the stairs you were greeted by Mark say on the sofa, his leg bouncing up and down. You knew he only really did this is if was worried or nervous. So with that you walked over to him and sat next to him. "You alright?" You asked placing a hand on his leg what had stopped moving once you sat next to him.
He nodded. "Yer. I'm completely fine." Mark beamed.  "Shall we go?" He suggested, standing up and taking your hand. You both put your shoes on and walked out the door. Mark was wearing his blue jeans and a grey t-shirt and his dark blue jumper. You both walked out to the car and got in. Mark drove around town until while you looked out the window at the glistening, bright stars that shone down. The scenery was truly magical after you got out of the busy city environment filled with light pollution and towering buildings.

You pulled up to a vast field and Mark turned off the car. "Let's go" he spoke, opening the door and taking a blanket from the back seat. You both walked hand in hand to a spot on the top of a hill under the twinkling stars. He lead the blanket on the ground and sat down on it next to you.
"It beautiful. Look at all the stars." You said looking up at the clear night sky, smiling. Stars burned bright and the moon cast a milky yellow light across the darkness. Stars began shooting across the sky at incredible speed. Darting from all around, they made wonderful shapes as they danced through the atmosphere.
But Mark wasn't looking at up. He was looking at you. "I know. It's perfect isn't it." He spoke softly, smiling at you.  "(Y/N)?" He grabbed your attention and you looked at him. Mark shuffled around a bit looking down. "Okay. There was a reason I wanted to bring you here, now. Under this beautiful display. The sky is full of billions of stars but they aren't as pretty as the ones in your eyes. The sky is an amazing spectacle, but I have the privilege of waking up to a person more incredible then anything up there. You make me smile like no one else ever could. Everything about you makes me glad I met you. No one in this entire universe could ever come close to comparing to you. Your smile is brighter than the sun and you light up my life brighter than a supernova. Thank you for being my everything and I was wondering." Mark shifted in his place, moving onto one knee and pulling a box out of his pocket. "(Y/F/N), will you be with me till the end of time and space? Will you marry me?" He asked looking deeply into your eyes and opening the box.
You bit your lip and smiled more then you ever had in your life. "Yes, course I will you dork." You replied hugging him tight.
Maybe the day wasn't so bad at all.


Thank you! So much. 1k! I know to some people it may not seem like a lot but I started this book 28 days ago... You guys are the most amazing people ever! -A

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