Late Late Show - 4

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Walking into the room, you saw a blue sofa facing a TV screen. Crews of camera men, sound guys, makeup people and more swarmed around the medium sized room. The door opened and James Corden came through giving you a hug. You were a gaming YouTuber and had been asked a few days ago if you were able to do a pre-recorded interview with James on the Late Late show. You instantly accepted. And now was the day. You had no idea what was going to happen but you were exited.

"Hey, glad you could make it. How are you?" He asked in his slightly cockney British accent. He didn't sound like someone you would find selling fruit down the market, but defiantly did not sound like he was a farmer either. Just a slight accent.
You both pulled away. "Yer I'm really good thanks. How are you doing?" You asked.

You exchanged pleasantries for a few more minutes until it was time to start recording.
You both sat down on the sofa and James pulled up Mario Cart on the Wii.
"I'm joined by (Y/N) also known as (Y/Y/N) on YouTube. Thanks for coming (Y/N)." He looked round at you.
You smiled "thanks for having me."
James looked back at the screen I front of him. "Now I thought while we do the interview, we could play some Mario Kart. It's just I suck at everything else and it's the only thing I know I will beat you on. Is that okay?" He asked.
You laughed at him picking up the controller from the table. "Yep, bring it on. I'll warn you, I'm the best at Mushroom Gorge." You joked and he laughed.
"We'll see about that."

You were asked multiple YouTube related questions in which you gave the answers to.
"Also, how many subscribers do you have now?" He asked finishing off his previous sentence.
You smiled widely. "Just hit 7 million. Two days ago actually. It's incredible but kinda scary." You answered.
The level ended with you beating him on your best level so he replied, drawing his attention away from the screen. "Wow that's amazing. Congratulations. Now, I have noticed a common theme in one or two of your videos where you do mention two specific YouTubers. Markiplier and JackSepticEye if I'm not mistaken?" He inquired.
You laughed to yourself looking down at your hands. "Yer I probably talk about them to much. But they are such inspirations to me and without them I defiantly wouldn't have started YouTube. They are both such hard working guys, I really look up to them." You told him honestly.
"Are you a fangirl really?" James asked joking.
You laughed along. "Oh yer. All the fan blogs, yer I started them all. All of them." You both laughed for a few minutes until he selected a new level and we changed the question topic.

After a few minutes there was a knock at the door. You looked quizzically towards it as James smiled widely.
"Who's there?" He asked, obviously knowing exactly who it was.
Two heads popped round the door. One with floppy green hair and the other blue.
They began walking in and you and James shuffled along the sofa to make space for them. "Hello gents, lovely of you guys to swing by." He greeted the two.
You sat there stunned. You had never met Mark or Sean before. You were just another gamer hoping one day that one of them would want to play prop hunt or rocket league just for a video. You never expected to be sitting in the same room as them. "So for anyone who doesn't know, this muscly guy next to me is Mark or Markiplier on YouTube" Mark flexed his right arm earning a laugh from everyone in the room.
"Plus one biceps!" Jack shouted.
"and that awesome dude on the end is Sean better know to everyone as JackSepticEye." Jack waved at the camera and the two boys picked up controllers from behind the sofa.
Mark was the first to speak. "So what we playing?"

A good 4 games in and after all the questions had been asked, Jack spoke up. "How about we do a mini competition? Like in teams?" He asked.
Marks hand went straight up in the air. "Dibs on (Y/N)!" He shouted.
So it was settled. You and Mark vs Jack and James.
Mark stood up and switched places with James allowing you both to sit next to each other. "Okay we each pick a level and we can only use two remotes because one of them just died. So we will switch between the two of us in the teams." James announced and you all nodded.

You started with the controller against Jack. It was you that picked the first course and chose Koopa Cape. You selected it and looked over at Jack who was looking back at you with his game face that just made you laugh. You both drew your attention back to the screen and began the race. Halfway through the first lap you felt Marks arm shifting from next to you. You didn't look though, just pretended you didn't notice and kept playing. That was until you felt his arm round your shoulders. That's when you began screaming internally. Well you are a fangirl after all. What did you expect? To be totally calm while the guy you have loved since you first watched his videos sat next to you and put his arm round your shoulders. Inside you where melting. But on the outside you did a Jack and pretended to be totally fine even though you were the biggest fangirl in the room. A small smile creeped onto your face as you finished the track and beat Jack.

It soon got to the final round where someone had found battery's for the dead controller and you were all about to play together.
"Alright, my turn to choose" James announced.
He began hovering over a few until he landed on the most evil of them all, and clicked on it. "Rainbow Road? Seriously? Now your just asking me to fight you." You cry.
"I can't even do this. Come on man, I thought we were on the same team!" Jack shouted.
Mark just laughed at everyone, ready to thrash you all at a game designed for children or drunk adults (or is that Just Dance).

Needless to say Mark won. You got the decent place of 7th, Jack came 9th being beaten by baby Mario right at the end. James on the other hand was falling off every bend and straight, going the wrong way and inevitably came last. At the end, James signed out and all 4 of you stood up from the sofa.
"Thanks for coming guys. We have more than enough footage so that's great." James thanked shaking your hands.
You all left the room and began exiting the building. A hand reached for your arm and you turned around. "Hey I.. was wondering if.. I could..possibly.. maybe... get your number?" Mark stuttered out looking into your eyes.
You nodded, a huge smile spread across your face. He took out his phone and you added your number to his contacts. "Thanks. I'll text you when I get back to mine." He informed you.
"Okay. Thanks. I'll see you soon then." You called walking away. You waved at Jack who enthusiastically waved back at you. "Bye (Y/N). Have a nice night." He shouted over the car park.

Once you got home you looked at your phone. One new message. From Mark.
It read 'Had an amazing day with you. We should do something some time. Night beautiful.'


I know this was long af but I got really into it and couldn't stop writing. My imagines will not all be this long. Only a select few. Hope you guys liked it anyway. I thought it was a decent one. -A

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