Lets go to Space - 2

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(Y/C/N) Your Child's Name

You walked through the door tired and stressed. Work had been tough lately. Long nights, painfully tedious tasks, papers piling up. It was all getting a bit to much.
As you closed the door, you walked through to the living room leaning in the doorway. You just watched. It made you instantly happier.
Mark and your 5 year old son were running around the room. (Y/C/N) had a cushion held on his head as he ran around the coffee table and jumped on the sofas. Mark on the other hand, made funny noises jumped around like a monkey. You let out a soft chuckle. (Y/C/N) sprung off the sofa and your husband ran over picking him up and spinning him around.
"Oh no. The big alien is attacking. What will you do?" Mark asked in a funny voice.
He threw (Y/C/N) onto the sofa and ticked him. He squirmed in uncontrollable laughter flailing his little arms around.

You creeped into the room and jumper into Marks back, stopping him from tickling your son. (Y/C/N) then proceeded to get up and jump onto your back causing the three of you to flop to the side.
As you and your little boy stood up Mark rolled into his front. "The alien has been defeated. I was no match for your skill." He said.
(Y/C/N) jumped up and down laughing. "I won dad. I'm the strongest in the galaxy. Mum is the second strongest. We can beat anything." He chirped, running around the room.
You and Mark chucked as the pastel pink haired man (Yes I'm pretending Mark re-dyed his hair pink) got up from the floor and walked over to you.

Your son ran up the stairs to his room, hyper and full of energy. Mark stood behind you wrapping his muscular arms around your waist and kissing your cheek. "Hey beautiful. How was work?" He mumbled in your ear.
You turned in his arms to face him looking into his deep chocolate coloured eyes. "Shit. But I'm happy to be home." You laughed.
Mark chucked. "I'm glad your home too." He whispers placing his lips onto yours in a sweet kiss.

When you both pulled away, you both had smiles on your face. It was like your first kiss again. Mark pulled you into a hug and (Y/C/N) wrapped one arm around your leg and the other arm around Marks. You looked down at your little idiot. You loved him to pieces and so did Mark.


I hope this was better than the last one. It felt like it was... Probably. Anyway hope you liked it.
||I just met Dean. As in Jack and Dean. Oh my god I'm not okay. I fucked it up to be honest. I was so awkward but weird all at the same time.||  -A

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