He Got Away - 53

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I sat at the table waiting for Mark to arrive with his girlfriend. We had all arranged to have lunch together and catch up. When I say 'all' what I really mean is, I asked Mark and Jasmine wanted to come along to. Obviously Mark didn't mind it but there was something about Jasmine that I didn't like. Maybe it was that she was super pretty, or extremely nice, or that even a straight girl would fancy her. Or maybe it was just the fact that she was going out with my best friend. My best friend, who just so happened to be the guy I have had a crush on for several years now. Not that anyone knew that, well apart from my other friend (Y/F/N).

As they walked through the door, holding hands, giggling and smiling to one another, I felt my heart sink and my stomach flip. It killed me to see him with someone like her. Someone I could never compete with. She was just so perfect, and it killed me. Don't get me wrong, I was glad he was happy. That made me happy knowing he was doing alright.

The two walked over and sat opposite me on the table. "Hey (Y/N). How are you?" Jasmine asked, smiling at me.
I nodded at her "Yer not doing to bad. How about you two?" I enquired, not really caring about her state right now.
"We're good thanks." Mark answered, smiling at me.
"I'll go order is some drinks. What do you guys want?" I questioned, getting up out of my seat and walking to the counter where I placed the orders for our three drinks.

I got back to the table holding the tray, trying to balance the tall glasses of hot liquid. Sitting down I placed the beverages in front of us and took my steaming cup of hot tea and put it to my lips. I looked back and forth at them both giggling away at each other. I expect if Jasmine wasn't going out with Mark, we could be good friends. She was a lovely girl. But it didn't turn out that way. They continued staring at each other as if to give secret messages to one another.
"Are you both alright? Is there something going on?" I asked, placing my cup down. I was beginning to get fed up of the lack of communication and the constant cute smiles they both shared between each other.

Their hands had been locked together under the table the entire time not touching the drinks in front of them until Mark picked up his coffee, still holding Jasmines hand under the table. I began to take a sip of my drink as it cooled down slightly.
"Well. Your the first one we are going to tell." Jasmine started, looking briefly at Mark. "We are getting married." She squeezed holding up her hand from under the table.
I almost spat my tea everywhere, but instead slightly choked on it instead.

Swallowing the liquid that nearly killed me, I looked at them both with wide eyes. "Wow." I said, stunned. "That's amazing. C-Congratulations." I stuttered, putting on an ecstatic expression and forcing a smile into my face.
"I'm so happy. I wasn't expecting it." She giggled, cuddling up to Mark.
I laughed. "Neither was I." I joked, being deadly serious inside and struggling to hold back the tears.

Mark looked happy. And that made me happy. I think. I didn't know anymore. I was confused. Why did she have to be so perfect for him? I kicked myself, knowing that it's what Mark wanted and my chances of him ever looking at me in any way other than a best friend is beyond impossible now. There was no way to change this.

They began talking to me about their plans, how they were feeling and what they were going to tell people. But I didn't listen. I just gazed at them, glassy eyes and not listening. I didn't feel like listening to their fairytale ending. It was too... perfect. Something seemed too right. But I was just kidding myself. It was perfect because they made it perfect. Because they made everything work.

I had to snap out of my daze when Mark began talking. His silky voice swept through my ears as he spoke. "So I was wondering if you could help me with stuff for the wedding. Jas has her friends helping with the dress and cake and everything, but I need my best friend to help me with the suits and getting my idiot best men together." I nodded as he stared into my eyes with his mesmerising chestnut ones.

Jasmine got up to go to the toilet quickly and I sighed leaning back in my chair. "(Y/N), I know you don't like her, but I need you with me." He spoke softly.
I shook my head taking his hands in mine. "No Mark. Its not that I don't like her and I'm happy for you. It's just a lot to take in. I didn't know you were so close that's all." I looked down at how perfectly our heads slotted together.
"You'll always be my best friend. And if you could be right up there with me, I would have you." He told me. For a moment I was confused about what he was talking about. Did he want to marry me? And then it dawned on me. He was talking about being his best man.
I smiled back at him and gave him a hug over the table, holding it for longer than we had in a while.

Jasmine came back and told Mark they had to go because they had her parents waiting at home for them. I understood and waved them off.
That left me sat, alone, in a coffee shop just thinking. Not about anything in particular, just thinking.


Dear girl I saw in town today, I loved your Mark jumper. I'm to socially awkward to go up to you. Please be my friend. From, the random person that starred, smiling like mad as you went up the escalator.
I'm not weird, it was just very cool! -A

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