Is That Even A Question? - 46

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You and Mark had been having a lazy day. Snuggling on the sofa, watching terrible daytime TV and just enjoying each other's company. It was all pretty calm, until Mark started thinking out loud. "(Y/N)?" He began, dragging out your name.
You looked over at him. "Yes Mark?" You replied wondering what he was going to ask.
He stared at the creamy coloured wall then spoke. "Where do jumping fish live?" He asked.
You looked confused, squinting your eyes and scrunching your nose. "Mark, I don't think there is such things as jumping fish." You stated.
He turned to you quizzically. "Are you sure? I'm pretty sure they are a real thing." He persisted.
You shook your head, thinking. "Nope, I don't think so. There are flying fish." You respond.
"Really? Are you sure? Google it." He suggested as you took your phone from the table and typed 'jumping fish' into Google.
You scrolled through the results. "No, no jumping fish. Not a thing." You lock your phone putting this convocation to bed. Mark admired defeat and held you close to him once again.

Three minutes later and Mark spoke up again. "(Y/N)?"
You sighed knowing where this was going. "Yes Mark?" You said again.
Looking at you he asked "If humming birds go really fast when they fly, does that mean that their world is in slow motion?"
You turned my head to him making a face as if to say 'are you serious?' You hesitated for a second. "I don't think so. It's just their wings that go really fast, I don't think they see everything super slow." You answered, begging to question yourself and everything else around you.
"Yer but they must see things at least a little slower than us?" You didn't know if that was a question or a statement.
So you just shrugged. "I have no idea hon. Do I look like I know?" You giggled. Mark laughed back, still thinking about the question.

Another few minutes passed and Mark piped up again. "Can bee's have hay fever?" He blurted out.
You stood up. "I'm done. Stop!" You laughed. "Oh my god. How many more questions?" You asked almost in tears.
"What do aliens call the moon? Where does the universe end? Can bears run on there back legs?" Mark kept going. The random questions kept piling up.
"You think to much Marki!" You finally said when he had stopped rambling about the edge of the earth and why we if everything is made of atoms why can't we stick our hands through things. All his questions made you laugh. You had no idea where they came from. He never asked such random things, but it was fun.

"Well I'm going upstairs. Join me once you have figured out the meaning of life okay." You teased.
He laughed at you and got up making his way to you and picking you up. He carried you to your shared room and plonked you on the bed. "What would happen if 5 million-" Mark began.
"Good night Mark." You laughed cutting him off abruptly as he chuckled and snuffed his head into the crook of your neck, kissing it lightly.


All of these are genuine questions asked by my friend at school. And there are MANY more! She always asks things that don't make scenes. It just confuses me. -A

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