Truth or Dare - 25

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Where it says (p) add your pronoun. So him, her, them, she, he, they all those things. I wanted to make sure it could work for everyone.

Marks POV

We all sat in a circle on Jacks living room floor. Bob, Wade, (Y/N), me and Jack obviously. A bottle was placed in the middle of the group of us and we all stared at it intently. This may have been a game for teen girls at sleepovers but we didn't care. We were just doing it for a laugh. We also may have been a little bit drunk. Well Wade and Jack were. (Y/N) and I weren't but I don't even know if Bob was.

"Spin the bottle truth or dare, because I'm not kissing all of you." Jack spoke. "Who wants to go first then?" He asked.
I looked around at my friends surrounding me. "I'll go." I offered sticking my hand up. Everyone nodded and I reached into the middle and spun the bottle. It whirled around in its place, slowing down to point at Bob next to me. "Ooo Bob first. Truth or dare dude?" I asked rubbing my hands together sinisterly.
"God damn it. Um. Truth I guess." He requested not quite sure what to pick.
"Ugh. Your sooooo boring." Jack moaned to Bob.
"Alright, alright. Bob! Do you look at fans Twitter pages just to be curious." Wade chirped.
Bob looked to us all. "No. That's just weird." He defended. We all looked at each other muttering an oh. "Wait you guys all look at fans pages?" He laughed.
(Y/N) shrugged. "Well you know, it's interesting to see who follows you. Sometimes, not all the time." Everyone nodded along.

Bob laughed, his shoulders jumping up and down. "Okay. Well I'm gonna spin the bottle." He held the bottle and gave it a good spin. It turned to land on Jack.
He stared blankly and simply shouted. "Fuck" looking at the bottle. "Dare! Do your worst." He said smugly.
Bob smiled. "You remember when you ran through the field screaming that you love nature?" He referred to one of Jacks old videos. (Video at the top.) Jack nodded slowly. "Well. Why don't you go out and do a re-creation of that." He suggested. (Y/N) burst into laughter and Jack looked around confused.
His face softened instantly and he stood up to go to the great outdoors. "Come on then." He announced gleefully taking his phone out of his pocket and pulling up the camera to record himself like the original video.
Everyone got up and walked towards the door with Jack leading the group exiting the house out into the street.
The cold Irish air bit as we stood outside. I could see (Y/N) shivering next to me so I took my red flannel off leaving me just in a white t-shirt. I wrapped it round (p) shoulders as (p) looked up at me. "You don't have to Mark" (Y/N) commented. I just smiled and put my arm round (p) shoulder pulling (p) close.

Jack raised the camera, standing in the middle of the quiet road at 11 o'clock at night. "Remember to shout" Bob reminded him.
Jack faked a laugh, now realising that he would probably wake some neighbours but the alcohol that was still in his system urged him to continue. He began running down the road. "I LOVE CITIES. SO MUCH. HELLO CONCRETE." He ran around. Jack began looping back round to us. "Mark wants to get in on this to. Say hello Mark. Say hello to the people." Jack reached out to my face. I slowly backed away and ran down the road to. "Come back. I wanna love you. Why won't you let me love you?" He chased. Slowing down he turned to the camera. "He doesn't love me." He announced stopping the recording and running back inside.

Once we were all back inside I sat next to (Y/N) and Jack spun the bottle. It slowly turned to land on me. I looked around at my friends all smiling evilly at me. "Spin the bottle!" Wade shouted.
"NO!" Jack screamed back "Just kiss (Y/N)!" He jumped around. They all knew I had a massive crush on (Y/N). To be honest it was so far past a crush it was astounding I was so clam.
Bob waisted his hand. "We have to go with the first suggestion. So Mark spin it and whoever it lands on you must kiss." He told me.
I reached into the middle and spun it. It felt like it was all in slow motion. It began stopping I front of (Y/N). But it didn't. It inched a centre meter further to face Jack. My best friends eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously. "Hell no! Oh can forget about it." He looked over at (Y/N) and took (p) hands, dragging (p) into his place and sitting where (Y/N) previously was next to me. "See. Kiss (Y/N). There's no way out of it. Just do it." He said quietly.
I shook the nervousness away and scooted my way over to (Y/N). I looked into (p) glistening eyes and inched forward slowly. "For crying out loud. Get on with it." Jack moaned.
(Y/N) giggled pulling me closer and crashing (p) lips onto mine. It took me by surprise at first but I soon kissed back. It was perfect. As we pulled away (p) looked at the ground smiling. I tilted (p) head up and kissed (p) cheek once more.
Ahh's were heared from the three boys around us as I sat next to (Y/N) and pulled (p) onto my lap.


I started writing this at 1 o'clock in the morning after having been in a room with extremely drunk people for 4 hours. Don't drink and write kids. Also that video at the top is literally my favourite thing ever. -A

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