T-Shirt Weather - 46

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Marks POV

It was hot. And I mean really hot! Like 29 degrees C hot! (84.2 degrees F) (Y/N) and I were inside doing nothing. It was to hot to move. (Y/N) was lead on the floor. I poked her to make sure she was still alive, she looked pretty dead to be honest. She sat up and looled at me. "You made me move. Now I'm to hot. I don't like this heat. What even is this weather?" She whined, flipping over onto her front and muttering things into the rug. I chucked at her but then realised it really was to hot and flopped back into the sofa.

All the windows were open in an attempt to circulate some sort of cooling air around the house. It wasn't really working so far. In my mind I began brainstorming things we could do to cool us both down. Cold shower; mo that would lead to things that would make us even more hot. Ice; nope, that would melt to fast and get annoying. I couldn't think of any useful things. I suddenly sprung up from my comfortable position and a ran to the garage. I dove through boxes and rummaged through shelves to find what I needed. It was a little bit cooler in there, but only by a few degree. I could hear (Y/N) walking in, so I turned my head to look at her, still with my arms going through various boxes. "Hey. You alright?" I asked.
She leant on the door frame, crossed her arms and nodded. "Yer. What are you looking for?" She enquired, looking at the id I had my hand in.
I stuck my arm in a little further till I found the plastic toys I had been looking for. I pulled them out of the cardboard box and held them up. "Water guns." She smiled walking over and taking the blue on from my hand, leaving me with the red on. "When did you get these? There big." She commented.
I just chuckled and took her hand running to the patio.

(Y/N) filled the guns up from the hose and handed me the red water filled toy. She instantly ran around the patio and behind a small potted tree. She wasn't exactly hidden, so I just shot the water in her direction and she ran out from her place. I sprayed the water ant he and she shot back. The water didn't run out for a good 10 minutes but when it did I jumped, flailing my legs, into the pool. I opened the cap to fill up the gun and ducked under the water. (Y/N) stood on the side waiting for me to come up for air. Her water Her wasn't completely empty yet so she just waited.

I only lifted my eyes and nose out the water, taking a deep breather and going back under before she could get me. When my gun was finally full, I stood up properly and fired at her. She was out of water and we both laughed as she wan around the pool side. The back door had been left ajar and a little blond head poked out. Chica bolted out the house and bound into the pool, swimming around me and nuzzling my arm. (Y/N) laughed from the side and squirted the last of the water at my face. I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew she was bombing into the pool with me. She swam over and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs round my waist. Her soft lips placed a kiss on mine and I kissed her back. She tangled her fingers in my wet hair as I pulled her closer.

After finally cooling down with the water fight, I was getting a little hot again.


It's so cold and it's really hailing heavy where I am so I wanted to make something warm. Ha. Is 29 degrees hot? Idek. I'm always cold. Sorry this upload is late. I was at 5sos. -A

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