Chaos Ensues - 12

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Looking out the grime caked window across Los Angeles, I saw what had once been a thriving city full of life and hope. Now what is it; dark, muggy and dead. Completely dead. Only a few living souls remain. The rest of the city left to rot and die. The humans that remained you either kept close or turned away from. That was the only way to survive in this apocalyptic universe. If it wasn't for Mark, I don't think I could have been staring out of that window. I don't even know if I want to survive. What's the use? What do we really have going for us anymore, except each other? I had never met the guy before. But it's like I said, keep people close or turn against them.

It was about 5 months ago is when I met Mark. Down Grove Drive. Once a hive of shoppers pushing their way down the road to get into shops, reduced to a strip of nothingness. Completely abandoned, or so I had thought. The trick to surviving the end of a civilised world is looting. That's all you have. It's not like there's anyone to stop you or anyone to ask you to pay for what you are taking. It's really just finders keepers. So, I took my backpack and went down the deserted street in search for new supplies. In the beginning everyone was stealing stuff just to stay alive, so anything you found after 2 years is like gold dust. When the people started turning, everyone split up to fend for themselves. As the months went on we realised that was the worst idea. Everyone should have stuck together or kept some kind of order. But that's all in the past now. Now we just have to find whatever we can to get through the day. I checked every shop, picking up bits and bobs here and there. Ammunition people had dropped, canned food, a jacket.

I walked into Barnes & Noble just to feel nostalgic. I loved the shop, not that it has any use anymore. That's when I heard a moan from the back of the shop. I slow, deep, raspy sound that echoed through the book shelves and bounced off the walls. Zombies. I slowly backed out of the shop trying to make as little sound as possible. I had come here just last week and it was clear, so much had changes in such little time. As I cautiously walked away from the sound my back hit something tall and hard. Not a wall but something more human. I turned my head to look at what it was. It wasn't a zombie but a man around 5 foot 10 with short black hair and slim glasses. He held a gun in his right hand and a touch in his left. He held his finger to his lips and pulled me behind him. Turning round, we both started walking towards the exit. For once I thought I could make it out of somewhere without an unnecessary encounter from one of the dead, but that would have been to easy.

We were about 2 meters away from the door when the groaning sounds seemed to be getting louder. The man and I turned ourself around to face the monster that was hurtling towards us. The guy drew his gun shooting a single bullet and hitting the zombie right between the eyes. My eyes grew wide at the sight. Not because of the obvious gross situation in front of us, but because I had never seen someone with such great accuracy in my life.

The man took my hand and dragged he towards the exit, hauling me into the light.
He turned to me, thrusting me his gun. "Hold this for me quickly." He instructed, his voice deep and slightly scratchy. I held the foreign object in my hands looking at it with confusion.
Taking the gun back from my hands, the man raised an eyebrow at me. "You never held a gun before of something?" He asked combining a sound of confusion and mockery.
I raised my eyebrows back at him with my hands placed on my hips. "I have a gun. I'm not completely useless. I have just never held one that big before." I confirmed. The man sniggered. "What's so funny?" I asked.
He laughed again. The laugh was deep like his voice but made me want to smile to. "It sounded like you were making a dick joke." He clarified.
I sighed. "Really? Really!" He nodded still chuckling to himself. "Okay maybe it did sound like that, but still... Shut up." I began laughing along with him.

When we stopped he looked at me with curiosity in his eyes. "So, what's your name beautiful?" He enquired making me stifle back a laugh.
"(Y/N). Yourself?" I told him extending my hand to shake his.
He shook in return. "Mark." He said sample.
"So what's your story (Y/N)?"


I'm not going to lie, the first two paragraphs were written for an English assessment set in London but I liked it and wanted to write more. Yep, I wrote about Mark in my English assessment.
That's not the worst thing I have done. I wrote about Dan and Phil in my actual exam last year... Whoops. Hah -A

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