Its Raining, Its Pouring - 17

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Your POV

Holding onto my hand tight, Mark and I ran through the poring rain to a wooden gazebo in the near by park. It was around half 11 and we had just walked out of the restaurant we were eating in. The walk home wasn't to far. 20 minutes tops. But as we got half way, the rain beat down on us heavier then it did when we started walking. As a result of this, we saw the park up ahead and took shelter under the old wooden structure, waiting for the rain to subside slightly.

We laughed at one another seeing that while running, the hoods of our coats fell down leaving us looking like we had been standing under a waterfall for the last 10 minutes. "Why don't we just walk in it? It's probably not going to stop any time soon. We may as well." I asked Mark as he ran his hand through his soaked hair.
He fluffed it, sending drops of water flying from it. "Yer, why not. We're wet anyway." He shrugged agreeing with me. We put our hoods up, took each other's hands and ventured out into the cold black streets.

The pavements were only lit by the orange street lamps that hung overhead like beacons. The rain beat down hard and soaked us from our toes to our heads. I could feel the water squishing in my shoe but I didn't care. The rain was so nice. So fun. I missed it when it was to sunny. The clouds over us were invisible through the thick black sky and streaky water that pelted down from the sky.

The rain thrashed down on us but we walked like there wasn't a care in the world. Walking so close to each other
I saw a big puddle and the inner child in my just couldn't resist. I let go of Marks hand, skipping over to the puddle and jumping into it. I proceeds to skip through the smaller puddles I front of them until I got to the end of the line and turned to see Mark walking towards me giggling to himself. "What?" I ask innocently, holding both my hands behind my back, swaying side to side.
He walks towards me placing both his hands on my hips pulling me towards him slightly. I rested my arms on his shoulders, holding them behind his neck. Mark wrapped his arms all the way around my waist, keeping us both close.
He stared into my eyes and I looked back into his. The rain still hammered on us but that didn't matter. "You look so beautiful (Y/N). Even if your soaking." He confessed.
I giggled, looking down at the puddle forming where we stood. "And your exceptionally hansom for a man who's hair colour will probably be lighter when we get home." I smiled looking back up. He chuckled.

Mark made a little pouty face. I rolled my eyes at the man standing I front of me. "Please can I have a kiss. It will be all cute and romantic." He asked, his brown eyes shimmering in the transparent rain.
I leant up to him as he inched closer to me. As our lips were centre meters apart, I unwrapped my arms and pulled the hood of his coat over Marks face. I cracked up laughing and took a few steps backwards as he raised his hands. "Why? Is it because I'm to sexy for you to handle?" He joked.
I nodded. "Oh yer, defiantly." I sarcastically reply.
"I'm so coming to get you." Mark giggled beginning to chase after me. I laughed as the rain fell down on my head and I ran down the road.

When we came to the door of our house, Mark cocooned his arms around me. Laughing together we rested our foreheads together under the shelter of the porch. "So am I getting a kiss now?" He whined.
"I guess... When my hair is all dry." I teased him walking through the front door.
Mark dragged his feet behind, "ugh (A/N)." He laughed.


Hellooooo. I didn't want to make it cheesy. -A

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