Missing You - 33

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Mark sprawled out on the sofa, moping around. "Come on. What's up?" You asked him, lifting his legs and sitting next to him.
He groaned. "I don't want you to leave." He moaned pulling a childishly grumpy face.
You just laughed at your grumpy boyfriend. "Well I have to go, it's work. You know I would rather stay here and cuddle with you for a week but I need to go." You told him. He looked up at you with big puppy eyes. "No. Don't look at me like that. You'll me make me feel guilty." You said looking away.
Mark sat up and turned your head. He kissed you softly. "I just wanna hug. I'll miss your hugs." He commented. "I won't have a hug for two weeks." He threw his arms in the air and sighed, flopping back onto the sofa.
You shook your head smiling, bending down to give him a kiss before you walked up he stairs to finish packing.

//Time skippppp//

It had been a week since you had left and Mark was constantly mopping round the house with no one to talk to but Chica. He was bored and had already recorded many videos to pass the time. He wondered what you were doing and if you were as bored as he was.

As a matter of fact you were. You thought it would be a fun trip but alas not. It was terrible. You were doing nothing, not being able to putting forward anything you thought was good and it was nothing like your job. It was just tiresome. You wished Mark could be there at the hotel to give you a hug and cuddle to sleep with. But he was all the way in LA and you had been shipped off to New York.

That night you Skyped each other, relived to see each others faces again even though you had talked two days ago. "Hey babe. How's it going?" Mark asked with a smile.
You shrugged. "I would rather be with you. It's okay I guess but I'm bored and everyone here is dull. It's no fun." You pouted.
He chuckled. "See I knew you should have stayed home with me." He dragged out the e at the end and smiled. You giggled and proceeded to talk about random stuff for the next hour and a half until you needed to sleep.

The next morning you got up, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to the conference. There were multiple meetings, lectures and seminars that you almost fell asleep in. Everyone had been given some work to do as an added extra to the project.
When you got back to the hotel you took one look at the papers you had been given. The stack of flimsy white paper could probably knock someone out from the shear thickness. There was so much left to do. You grit your teeth and pull your hair trying not to scream. Quickly calming yourself down you look down at it once more, sorting it into piles. "Fuck the work" you whispered, picking it up and dumping it sloppily on the desk in the room.

Jumping on the bed, you rested your head against the soft, fluffy pillow and closed your eyes, resting your body and mind. A knock came from the door and you grumbled reluctantly dragging yourself to the door and pulling it open. You looked out, tired eyed, to see Mark standing there with a small bag in his hand and a half smile on his face. "Mark?" You asked, making sure it was him.
"Hey (Y/N)." He greeted shyly. You jumper on him and wrapped your legs around his waist, hugging be him tight. "I was lonely without you. And you didn't look to happy to be by yourself either. Hope you don't mind me coming. I was missing you." He whispered in your ear.
He placed you back on the ground and you shook your head. "I'm so happy your here. I think I was about to louse it." You giggled looking down at the floor.
Mark tilted your head up and asked into the room, not looking back but closing he door behind him. He leant down and kissed you longingly. You kissed him back with passion and a need. It had only been six days, but it had been he longest six days of your life.
"Thank you so much for coming. I love you." You told Mark, crashing your lips back onto his and running your hands through is black hair.


Ahhhhh. So he his 12 million and I died. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was so ill and I had to go to school and work (not a fun combination). Also, it's finally the Easter holidays. 2 weeks of English revision, graphics exam work and YouTube. But I will have more time to write stuff so that's good. -A

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