Mr Fischbach #3 - 47

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There was a knock at the door and we pulled our hands away instantly and I pushed my chair a little away from him. "Yes, come in?" Mark called and the door swung open.
In walked Mr Muyskens, holding papers in his arm. "Hey, um Mr Fischbach, you ready to go?" He asked.
Mark looked at the economics teacher and smiled. "Yer, let me just finish talking to (Y/N) then I'll be right out." He confirmed. Mr Muyskens nodded and exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Mark took out his phone, unlocking it and passing it to me. "Put your number in and ill text you later." He asked as I typed in my number into the contact he had created. I handed the phone back and smiled at him. "How are you getting home?" He enquired.
"I'm walking. It's only 15 minutes round the corned from here." I told him standing up and taking my bag off the floor. Mark stood up to and placed his soft lips into mine. It was a quick kiss but it was enough to make me smile and blush a slight bit.
"Your cute when you blush." He giggled. I looked at the ground, embarked because I knew I would go the colour of a tomato soon enough. "No, don't look down." He tilted my head up and kissed me softly once more. "Okay. We need to go. Bo-Mr Muyskens is waiting for me." Mark spoke. He picked up his brown bag and rested it on his shoulder, picking up a pile of papers, he walking over to the door and held it open for me.

We walked out the front doors and in opposite directions. He went over to Mr Muyskens and got in his car while I began walking out the gates, home.
Once I arrived at my house, I went up to my room and took my phone out of my pocket. Their lie a text from Mr Fischbach himself.
Hey. Hope your home safely. Text me when you get this. Mark x
It was very sweet. I replied to let him know I was home and still alive. He saw it quickly and sent a message back as soon as he had read it.
Good. I'll text you when I get home later. x
He sent back. I smiled and tossed my phone onto my bedside table, flopping on my bed.

//Time skip// *insert sparkly fairy music here*

Mark and I had been dating each other for over 10 months now and it was the Christmas holiday. We were sat together on his sofa watching Home Alone. It was only 2 days until Christmas and my family had been on business trips. They were meant to get back on Christmas Eve but I was enjoying he freedom of being able to do whatever. I still lived with my parents because, well it's cheeper. I loved scroll through tumblr at 2am without being told to go the fuck to sleep, being able to cook any food I want, singing at the top of my lungs without being complained at and most importantly, being able to go to Marks without being harassed as to where I'm going. I had been going to his house every weekend for a few months now. It was so much fun. I loved being around him. I'm pretty sure I loved him full stop. We had known each other a year and a half.

(Okay, I don't know how people are with this stuff so. Beyond this is not smut, but just before that stuff.)

I was lead on Mark as he had one hand playing with my hair and the other on my knee. Three quarters of the way through the film, Marks hand began traveling up my leg slowly. It crept up my thigh but I ignored him. I could see him looking at me but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. His grip on my leg changed and it became a little bit firmer. He loosened it know rising that I still hadn't looked at him and lead his hand to the waist of my jeans. I turned my head to look at him with big innocent eyes. He smirked and leant in, kissing my lips softly to start off with. It began to become more intense and I swung my legs over to straddle his lap. Mark placed one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek, kissing me passionately and hungrily. I ran one hand down his perfect body, past his belt and to his crotch where I just let my hand stay. My other arm was left resting on his shoulder as we continued to make out.

His hands traveled to the hem of my shirt, pulling the fabric over my head and throwing it on to the floor. I began unbuttoning his shirt, traveling lover and lower. Once I got to the last button Mark held my hands, reattaching our lips and restricted me from pulling off his red flannel.

Mark lead me down on the sofa and his lips broke away from mine. He started at me, lust clouding his eyes and a small smirk plastered his face. His head fell to my neck and began kissing it, traveling his way across my chest. He bought is lips to my ear and whispered to me. "You know the first day we met I told you I didn't like being called sir?" He hesitated for a moment. "I lied" he murmured. I pulled his face to mine and locked our lips together. My hands travelled to his belt and he took hold of my hands, pinning them on the arm of the sofa above my head. "No darling. I'm in control." He kissed me lovingly to show he really did care.


I was going to write this as smut but then everything turned out bad and it just sounded wrong. I wanted to but it just flopped (no pun intended) I genuinely suck at writing. (again, no pun intended) I am so sorry. -A

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