Sweater Weather - 48

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Winter was upon us and the snow was falling. Kids threw snowballs at each other and built snowmen outside. Adults stayed warm or got drunk and had snowball fights at the crack of dawn. Mark had gone out to get the shopping while I buried myself under a mountain of blankets waiting for him.

As he walked through the door I dragged the blankets around me to meet him as stood there with three bags in his hand. "Which one had the hot chocolate in?" I quickly asked grabbing two of the bags from his hands.
"It's lovely to see you to. I missed you so dearly." He mocked. I rolled my eyes, smiling at him. I pecked his cheek and scurried to the kitchen with the bags. I had dropped a few blankets on the way leaving me with just one. Placing by the items Mark had bought in the cupboards and fridge, he came up behind me and wrapped his cold arms around my waist. "Mark no. Your cold. Nooo" I moaned feeling his ice like hands through my shirt.
"But I'm freezing and your warm." He complained.
I giggled at him as I placed some Oreos on the shelf. "We can snuggle once I'm done. Put the kettle on and we can make hot chocolate. It will warm you up." I pointed to the appliance in the corner on the worktop. He scooted over to it, flicking the switch and waited for the water to heat up. I finished putting things away and took out two large mugs. Scooping 4 spoonfuls of the powder to make the hot chocolate into each of the cups. I waited for the kettle to finish boiling and poured the water into the two mugs.

I made sure all the components were mixed together and stepped back bumping into Mark. I turned round to see him holding up the squirty cream in one hand and mini marshmallows in the other. He had a stupid look on his face and he jumped around like a child. "Do you want some?" He asked in a small voice as he stopped moving and bought his hands in front of him.
I chuckled at him and nodded. "Sure." I answered. He smiled, walking forward and placing the packet of marshmallows on the counter. Mark drematic let ripped the lid off the cream and began overloading his mug with cream. "Mark, I think that's enough." I laughed as he finished off his masterpiece. He just rolled his eyes back at me, playfully, beginning to do mine without as much cream on. Mark then began dazzling the constructions with the pink and white marshmallows to compleat the drink.
"Ta da!" He waved his hands in front of them proudly and picked his mug up. I took the blanket I had dropped in one arm and the mug in the other. "Shall we m'lady." He draped his arm round my shoulders and we walked to the living room, placing the drinks on the table. I picked up all the blankets shattered around and brought them to the sofa. Mark meanwhile was lighting the small fireplace we had in the room. It felt so cozy and snuggly, especially in the cold house.

I sat on the sofa, covering myself in the warmth of the blankets. Mark sat down next to me and pulled me close to him taking the other side of the blankets. "Hey, who said you could have some of the covers?" I joked.
He kissed the top of my head and picked up his hot chocolate. "I did, because I am amazing." He whispered the last part. I shook my head, smiling and picking up my drink to.
The rest of the day was spent being lazy and cuddling with one another to try and keep as warm as possible in the cold winter.


Are you guys having a good day? I don't want to go back to school on Monday. I can't be dealing with that. Not yet. I should really write my English essay, tomorrow. -A

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