Long Queues, Screaming Youths - 26

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"OH MY GOD, (Y/N)! ITS TOM HIDDLESTON!" Your sister screamed in your ear. "How's my face? Is it still ugly? Course it its, stupid question. What about my hair. Is that on point? It feels on point. I feel good. I'm scared. Oh my god. It's happening. HES THERE!" She carried on, talking fast, jumping around, looking straight forward at the hot British guy around 50 meters away. Another figure sat next to him and your sister almost died. "C-c-cChr-is E-Ev-Evans-s!" She stuttered out.
You look down at the pile of mush you call your sister, next to you. "(Y/S/N), who? Use your words hon." You told her beginning to get fed up of this queue.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "C-Chris Evans is over there." She spoke slowly.
You looked quizzically. "But I thought he presented the One Show and Top Gear now?" Your sister shot you a look. "Oh not that one then. Wait is it Captain America?" You asked feeling proud that you remembered something from her 5 hour long speech about the MCU, the Marvel Cinematic Universe for those who haven't had the lecture, and the different deals they had with certain characters. (This actually happens on a regulator basis. I hate my sister.) She nodded slowly "well done idiot." She mocked. You rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

You both had been stood in this line for hours now. You wanted to go to the Doctor Who panel but it seemed that wouldn't be happening at this rate. You couldn't just leave your sister in a convention centre with no phone, fangirling, just to see Matt Smith and David Tennant. It was growing ever so more appealing by the second though. The queue started to inch forward slightly and your sister jumped higher than before. As the people I front of you slid forward you heard the person behind you talking. "Oh my god. What if we don't get to the panel? Plus I need to go see my brother before the end." He panicked but his deep voice also sounded exited. "There's so much to do. Ahhh this is so fun." You saw him jump out of the corner of your eye.
"Dude. Calm down. We still have tomorrow to see your brother to remember." Another guy told him.
You turned around to see Markiplier and Ryan and Matt stood behind you. Quickly facing forward again you calmed yourself and tried to act as natural as possible. You had been a fan of Mark for years and loved Kids With Problems. After subtly listening to their convocation for a few minutes you had worked out that they wanted to go to the Doctor Who panel after this, then surprise Marks brother, Tom, by swinging by his stool. You smiled to yourself knowing how much Mark liked to spend time with his brother when he could.

"(Y/N), what time is your Doctor Who panel?" (Y/S/N) asked looking at her watch.
You felt Marks eyes look at you slowly. His glances put you off slightly, making you forget the time you had been trying not to forget all day. "3:45." Mark told her for you. You looked at him as he smiled at you raising his eyebrows. "So you like Doctor Who?" He asked you.
You nod frantically. "Hell yer. Who doesn't?" You told him, maybe a little to enthusiastically.
"I don't." Your sister raised her hand, peering from behind you.
You looked at her with disgust "Shut up (Y/S/N)!" You spoke earning a laugh from the Mark. You turned back to the man and smiled. "So, are you going to the panel?" You asked him even though you already knew the answer.
He nodded, wide eyed. "Oh yer! It's going to be awesome. As long as we get there in time." He worried. You nodded in agreement looking down at the floor, contemplating how long this would take and how fast you would have to run to the other side of the convention centre. "Hey. Did you wanna go with us?" Mark asked pointing to the three of them.
You smiled "that would be awesome. Thanks. I'm (Y/N) by the way and this is (Y/S/N)." You introduced. Your sister poked here head round again, waving at the boys.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Mark and this is Matt and Ryan." He told you with the other two mimicking your sisters action.
"Hey, isn't that the guy off YouTube? I swear it is." (Y/S/N) whispered calmly facing you. You glared down at her indicating to her that she was in fact right but she should stop talking now.

As the line moved along more, you or to know Mark, Ryan and Matt more. Mark wouldn't stop talking to you. He was genuinely intrigued by everything you said. It was nice. Your sister finally got to the front of the queue, fangirling every step of the way. You also saw Mark getting really exited behind you. (Y/S/N) walked up to Tom giving him a hug and talking to him. She then hugged Chris for an even longer time before asking him a few questions. You took a photo of the three of them together, your sister then getting a group hug from them both which you took a snap of for her. You knew she would cry with happiness but she would thank you.
Ryan, Matt and Mark then spoke to the actors while you walked away with your sister beginning to well up, holding her hand to her mouth. "I met them. (Y/N) I met them. Oh my life. That was incredible. Can I go back?" She asked hopefully but knowing she couldn't. Mark came running up behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "Oh my god that was AWESOME!" He sang, letting go to stand next to you. He looked at his phone. "Shit we have like 15 minutes till the panel." He stared at you.
"We can take (Y/S/N) around to the stalls while you two run to the panel?" Ryan offered.
Your sister jumped around. "Oh my god. Yes, please can I?" She asked knowing you had to take responsibility for her.
You nodded. "If you want. Thank you so much guys." You smiled at them.
They nodded back to you as Mark pulled you by the hand away from the group. "Meet you near Toms table after the panel." He called to Matt, still dragging you away. You laughed as he smiled at you running together through the gaggle of people to the end of the hall.


Lets all just pretend that Matt Smith is still the doctor or we could just rewind to 2013 when the Day of the Doctor came out and my two favourite doctors were together. Who's your favourite doctor? I'm really curious. -A

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