Somewhere In Neverland - 20

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You were running through the city, down the winding roads and straight paths to get to the only part of the town without cameras. This was life now. A place where no area was left unwatched and everything was regimented. The place you lived in was cornered off from the rest of the world. Everywhere was cornered off now. Each state in America has a Great Wall, around 500 meters high, built around it with only a few check points in and out of the states. This was strictly only for politicians or item deliveries like food or cloths.
From birth everyone was set a partner that they would spend the rest of their lives with. A soulmate. You would only find this person after you turned 20. There was never any exceptions. Every person you had ever spoken to about it said they were in love the moment they set eyes on their match. But you didn't agree with the system.

In 2045 there was an election, Chris Jackson got it. In 2046 they built the walls. Being excluded from the outside world and not knowing what lie in other country's. Your family was forever bound to live in California.2084, you were born. 19 years later, here you are. 10 days until your 'best friends' birthday.

Mark was more than just a best friend, he genuinely was your soulmate but the government thought otherwise. You would hang out together as friends all the time, but one time, when you were exploring, you found the one place in the whole state unsupervised and totally camera free.
That's where you were running to. You had organised to meet Mark there every day at exactly 7:32 pm. This was where you could be yourselves and not worry what others thought.
You found that a few people came here to smuggle things from the outside as a lot of the sweet foods were rationed. There was one other couple that came here after you both left but you would leave messages on the wall for each other. Their names were Danny and Arin. (A/N sorry I just had to.)

As you approached the secluded venue, you saw the red haired boy stood leaning against a wall with his arms crossed over his chest. You checked the camera to your right. Still facing the all and completely dead, like always.
You walked quickly towards him falling back into his arms. You hugged in silence for a few moments until you pulled away.
Marks face looked happy and exited. "What?" You asked him, looking quizzically at his face.
He looked around to make thoroughly sure they were alone. "Look at the wall. It's from Danny." Mark urged.
He moved to the side and you approached it, crouching down to read the etching he had left.

Hello. Arin and I have found a way out. We are getting away from this place. People on the outside have told some smugglers rumours of what's beyond the wall. They let us in on the secret. It's a better life. For us. We could be together and you both could to. If what they are saying is true. If you are in, get to the wall at 3:20 on Tuesday. If not, just tell us. -Danny

The writing baffled you. There was a way you could be together? You rubbed off the message that was written in chalk they kept below the wall. Both of you rubbed off each others messages just to make sure you weren't caught. It was a big risk to be in love with someone who want your 'soulmate' as you could be put in prison. But getting out, that was even bigger. No one ever got out unless they were transporting goods. "What do you think? Shall we go?" You asked looking up at your boyfriend.
He smiled. "Yer. Why not? Un-unless you d-don't want to." His voice got more shy and small as he trailed off.
You picked up the mat white stick of chalk, stood up and hugged him with one arm, allowing you both to look at the wall and the object in your other hand. "What about our family's?" You asked honestly.
Mark just shrugged. "I don't want to be with anyone else though. We only have a few days and this could be our only chance." He emphasised.
You looked at the small nub of chalk in your hand and went back over to the wall. You wrote the words OKAY in bold letters.

You dropped the chalk on the floor with a smile. Mark walked towards you. As you turned around he backed you onto the wall kissing you passionately. He held one hand on your waist and the other cupped your cheek, his thumb stroking it slightly. You held your hands against his chest as he pressed faintly.


Two days passed and it was Tuesday. You were told not to bring a lot of stuff. So you slotted your phone into your pocket, placed all your money in your purse and put one or two pairs of cloths in a small bag. You didn't know wether to leave your parents a note. You decided on just telling them you were moving to a different part of California. That would settle their minds. You though.

You walked calmly to the regular meeting point where you were met with two men. One with big frizzy hair that flopped around and the other with long hair and stubble. "Hello?" The floppy hair one said calmly. "Is your name (Y/N)?" He asked.
You nodded. "Yer. You must me Arin and Danny right?" You confirmed.
They introduced themselves as Mark walked so he stood next to you. "He's over there. There about to load the truck now." He told the two men in front of you. They nodded. "Have they got people out before?" Mark genuinely wondered.
Arin looked Mark in the eye. "Honestly. No. But we know this guy. He can get us out. He leaves for the other side all the time to collect and trade stuff." He told you both.
Danny looked behind you both. "We should go now." He urged taking Arins hand. You followed behind.

The for of you came to a truck that was being loaded by a few guys. A man shorter than Arin and Danny started to approach you and stopped in front of your group. "Alright Danny. Arin." He acknowledged. "You four ready?" He asked. You all nodded.
He nodded and walked over to a group of men. He started talking to them and they all filtered away except one.
You looked the the three males next to you, feeling a little intimidated. They all looked as nervous as you but you could see they were trying to keep a calm face.
"So are these the guys Brian?" The other guy asked. Brian nodded. "Hey. I'm Ross. Good luck." He said shaking your hand.

Danny, Arin and Ross caught up a bit but the four of you soon were asked to get in the truck when they knew no one was watching. You sat on the floor with Mark holding his hand tight. Arin and Danny sat opposite snuggled together. Brian and Ross loaded the last few boxes into the truck.
"Is this going to work?" You whispered.
Everyone looked at each other quizzically. "In theory it should." Mark said. Everyone nodded.

The journey was long and you fell asleep on Marks shoulder after an hour. But after 3 hours of driving the truck finally stopped. You all looked at one another and sunlight ported in as Brian opened the doors. "Guys. Quickly. Jump out now." You all scrambled up and made your way through the piles of boxes to the door where you jumped out of the truck. Fresh air filled your lungs and you felt free. "Okay. In his bag are passports. You can go anywhere. There's no walls now." He told you.
You turned to him, stunned. "Wait what? But I thought the walls were built around all the states." You asked confusion taking over your brain.
He sighed looking down at the ground "the government are doing a social experiment to see who conforms to society and who rebels. I don't understand. They are messed up now." He told you.
Everything you knew had been a lie. There was never any specific place we were bound to live, there was never a soulmate and there was never going to be a way out. You knew that. You could never convince the government to change.

Mark hugged you, seeing the destress mixed with condition on your face. "It's okay baby. We are out now." He muttered soothing.
"Let's go guys. Thank you Brian. If you ever need anything, call!" Danny told him. Brian smiled and nodded to his friend before walking back to his truck to finish the delivery.
"Right. To the hotel, then in the morning we'll sort stuff out." Arin pointed.

The night was spent cuddled up next to Mark. Closer than ever before, happier than ever before.


I know almost everyone does the story line of the soulmate thing, but I wanted to mix it up a little. Hope it was okay. -A

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