Temporary Worry - 36

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You held the small stick between your fingers, not saying a word but instead looking blankly at the test in front of you. Getting up from your position on the floor, you put the white plastic down on the sink and ran the tap. You splashed water over your face and took a deep breath.

You and Mark had never really discussed the future and what you both wanted. Did he want kids? God knows, he had never said. But everything was very hectic recently with YouTube. Would he want a big commitment like a baby when do much is going on around him anyway. You panicked for a moment, worrying that Mark would leave you. But then you thought. Am I even ready for a baby? You shook that thought from your head because deep down you really did want a baby, no matter what anyone else said.

Mark was downstairs making dinner so you took a deep breath and put the test in your back pocket, pulling your shirt over to cover it. You opened the door and walked downstairs, covering up your worried face with a forced, but believable, smile. You walked into the room your boyfriend of 5 years was in and hoped into the countertop. "What you making?" You asked swinging your legs back and forth.
He turned his head to look at me and looked back at the pan he was holding. "Spaghetti." He told you stirring the contents of the boiling water.
You nodded slowly. "Mark? I was just wondering. What do you think about kids? Just, you know, wondering?" You asked slowly not looking at him, but instead over at the other side of the room.
His eyes were in fact on you, studying your face to get and idea of why you suddenly wanted to talk about this subject. "Well. There- great. They are- little." He stuttered.
You looked at him now, into his deep chocolate eyes. "Yer, but what about having your own baby?" You pushed trying to get some idea of how he felt before you told him.
He shrugged. "Um. A little gamer baby would be cute." He said timidly. Mark turned of the gas and stood between your legs holding your thighs, looking deep into your eyes. "Maybe one day you and I could have a beautiful little ball of energy. It would be beautiful because you were its mum and it would probably be bat shit crazy because of both of us." He giggled and you did to. He thought for a moment. "Yer kids are nice. Why?" He sounded confused as to why you originally asked.

You reached into your back pocket and pulled out the stick. Mark followed your hands with his eyes and looked a little more quizzical when you held the pregnancy test in front of him. You couldn't get any words out. As much as you wanted to, you didn't really know what to say. Ta da. Whoop whoop I'm pregnant. I'm so sorry. All things you could have said but you didn't like the thought of any of them.
Mark took it into his hand and studied it for a few moments until he finally spoke. "I'm going to be a dad?" He asked, shocked and unsure if it was real. "We're having a baby?" He confirmed.
You nodded smiling weakly at him, still not sure wether he was glad or not. A tear escaped his eye and a giant smile swept across his face. "I'm going to be a dad!" He sang, looking into your eyes. Your smile grew and you giggled at his reaction. Mark picked you up off the counter and spun you around in the air. Letting out a small squeak you kissed him as he placed you back on the ground. "Oh my god I love you so much (Y/N)!" He confessed.
"I love you to." You told him.
He looked down at your belly. "So, there's like, a baby in there." He smiled pointing at you. You nodded. Well there wasn't really yet but here soon would be. It was more of a weird sploodge at the moment. "Hello baby. I love you." He spoke down.
You looked at his face. It was so happy. Marks eyes were lit up and you could see little dimples on his face from where he had been smiling so much. He looked so happy, which made you happy as well.


This one was fun to write. I liked this one. Not sure it was any good but I liked it none the less. Hope your having a good Easter (if you celebrate it) or just having a nice day. -A

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