I'm Making Pancakes - 51

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I woke up expecting to be greeter by a sleeping Mark beside me, but instead the space on the other side of the bed was cold and empty. I hugged the duvet around me trying to feel warm again. That's when I heard swearing coming from down stairs. I sprung up laughing at the profanities coming from my boyfriends mouth.

I slipped out of bed, throwing on one of Marks shirts and walking downstairs. In front of me stood my shirtless boyfriend attempting to make pancakes. "Fuck! Why do you keep doing that?" He cursed to himself rather unintentionally loudly.
I chuckled and went to sit on the counter beside him. "Hey Mr. What ya doing?" I smiled at him.
"I am quite obviously being an amazing chef and creating the best breakfast in the history of the world." He said with a mixture of sass and sarcasm. I giggled at him as the mixture began to burn again and stick to the pan. "Agh. It keeps doing this. (Y/N), I need help!" He wined holding the spatula out towards me.
Shacking my head and smiling, I hopped down and stood by the hob next to Mark. "Okay. First, let's throw this one away." I told him, taking the pan from the gas and scraping the singed mess into the bin.
"But that was perfection" he joked crossing his arms.
I rolled my eyes and pointed to the fridge. "Grab me some butter out would you." I asked him as he walked over to the cold silver fridge, taking it out and bringing it back for me. "Cheers. Okay so first of all you need to lightly grease the pan so it doesn't stick and you can flip it. That's the only place you were going wrong." I taught him. I began poring the mixture he had created into the pan, nodding at him. "You made the mixture fine. Maybe now you can take over." The golden mixture spread across the pan, filling the round metal. I stepped away from the hob allowing Mark to take over control.

Mark prodded at the underneath of the pancake with a spatula and jiggled it around making sure it wasn't still stuck. "I'm gonna flip it and your going to be amazed." He told me stepping away. I shook my head lightly, giggling and raising one eyebrow. He counted himself in and fling to pan upwards, holding his grip tight. The product of Marks cooking glided daintily through the air and back down to earth. Literally to earth as it went past Mark, flopping onto the floor with a splat.
Mark looked wide eyed at me and rubbed the back of his neck. Bending down and putting it back in the pan softly. "5 second rule?" He laughed.
I fell into fits of laughter, grasping at my stomach. "That's your one." I spoke through the tears as he put the pan back on the gas to let the other side cook.

As I calmed down from my laughing fit I got out two plates and placed them on the counter. Mark shook the pancake out of the pan and onto the plate, the oddly shaped food sliding around to get out the pan. "See look at that. I did it. With a little help from a certain beautiful one here." He added as I smiled at him.
"I didn't know pancakes were such a chore to make." I joked nudging him.
Mark laughed and cut the pancake in half. "Have that side. I don't think I can deal with making another one." He spoke looking over at the batter that was in a tupperware jug next to us.
"I don't even think there is enough to make another one. How many times did you try making it?" I asked chuckling to myself.
Mark shook his head. "Too many times my dear, to many time." Mark took a bite from his pancake smiling at me as I giggled.
"I think I need something on mine to cover up the fact it was on the floor." I joked.
Mark raised his hands. "Yer, only for 3 seconds though. It's still fine." He protested as I took the jar of Nuttella (or other toppings if you don't like nutella) from the cupboard below me.
Smothering the pancake in the hazelnut spread, I tried Marks masterful creation. "It's actually not bad. Yer it's decent." I smiled at him, eating the rest of the delicious breakfast.

As we both finished, we put the plates in the dishwasher and walked upstairs together. "See. I'm the best at cooking. I'm going to cook dinner as well tonight." He spoke triumphantly.
I looked back at him, smiling. "Okay, slow down their Heston Blumenthal. It depends what your cooking." I chuckled.
"Hey, I never said I was a food scientist. He is so cool. But I bet he can't make a pancake like I can." He laughed, pointing at himself, walking behind me.
I shook my head, rolling my eyes at my insane boyfriend as I laughed my way up the stairs.


What is this strange place, oh yer it's the writing section... Whoops. Haven't been here for a while... I am SO sorry!
So guys I'm back (ish. On and off). Did you miss me?... No?... Okay. Moving on.
Hope you are all doing fabulous and have a lovely day! -A

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