Brothers Best Friend #1 - 8

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Your POV

I heard the front door close and three pairs of feet ran up the stairs, giggling and talking loudly. These three were 2 years older than me but still they acted like they were 12.

My brother, Sean, had invited his friends Felix and Mark over for the weekend (as our parents were away in France) to sleep round, play games, eat food and do other manly stuff. You know like demolishing IKIA tables then reassembling them to exert their manly abilities. I don't know what they did. I stayed out of their way because Sean didn't like his little sister bothering him. I'm 16, it's not like I'm going to run into his room tugging him to play 'tea party's' together. But I still stayed out of his way so I didn't have to encounter an argument with my brother.
Funny thing about Sean is that he is the sweetest guy you will ever meet, but around his friends he has to act like he doesn't care or I'm annoying. Where as in reality, he is probably the most protective and kindest brother in the world.

As the boys enters my brothers room, I was still flopped on my bed scrolling contently through Twitter. Then came a roar of laughter and Sean freaking out about how he lost. I guessed they were playing video games. That's all I ever heard them do, but that's also because they are really loud when they play.

I was getting hungry so I plied myself off of my bed and made my way down to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I pulled out some Orange juice, Nutella and pancakes. I placed them all on the counter top and took a spoon out of the draw beneath. I jumped up so I was sitting on the counter and popped open the jar of Nutella, digging the spoon into it. Dolloping a great amount onto the pancake, I began eating it, poring my orange juice out with the other hand.

Stuffing my face with the Nutellary goodness, a colourful haired boy strolled into the room, walking over to the cupboard next to me and pulled out a packet of Chocolate Digestives.
"Your brother asked me to come down and get these." Mark told me holding the biscuits up in one hand and running his free hand through his ruffled hair.
I nodded chewing the last bite of the pancake. I swallowed it and looked at the hansom boy. I'd had a crush on him for years. Sean had been best friends with Mark and Felix since primary school so I had known them both for ages and gotten close to them both. I knew I could never go out with Mark though. I mean look at him he's devilishly hansom and I'm... Me. Plus there was the whole Sean situation.

I looked at Mark and asked "So how are you? Haven't seen you in at least a week. Thought Sean had killed you."
Mark let out a cute deep laugh, shaking his head slightly. "Nah. Just couldn't come round."
I nodded, smiling at the ground. "By the way you have stuff on your face." Mark informed me.
I wiped my face with the back of my hand, trying to get the Nutella off my face while Mark pointed to where it was and giggled.
He took hold of my hand, bringing it back down to the counter top, taking a step closer to me so he was I between my legs. "I'll get it for you. Your hopeless at this!" He tittered. Bringing his hand to my face, Mark brushed the Nutella off my face and brushed his hands together getting it off his hand.

I looked into his eyes as he drew them up from his hands. Marks deep acorn brown eyes met with mine, holding a long gaze until the boy in front of me inched forward slowly. Our lips locked into a sweet kiss. Although Mark seemed to become more lustful, deepening the kiss and interlocking his left hand with mine, still holding the biscuits in the other hand. Pulling away and catching our breath, we both looked at each other worried that the other didn't want that to happen. But we smiled at each other, reassuring that it wasn't a bad decision and in fact our feelings were mutual.

We heard footsteps thudding down the stairs like a herd of elephants so Mark untangled his hand from mine and took a few steps back. Thank god Sean was a loud guy otherwise we could have been in trouble.
He walked through the door, over to Mark and draped his arm round his best friends shoulders oblivious as to what had just happened. "(Y/N), what're ya annoying Mark for? Let him take the biscuits. We'll buy more later."
Sean proclaimed tugging Mark out the room behind him like a reluctant dog in the park. Mark turned his head to me, smiled cheekily and winked, before walking up the stairs to join Felix, resuming the game they were playing together.

I smiled to myself, hopping down from the counter and skipping up the stairs to my room where I resumed the browsing position and this time tumbling through tumblr.


Defiantly going to do a part two of this. Not sure when but its on my list of things. I do need more ideas so if you have requests, please comment them or message me. -A

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