When I Grow Up - 15

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You stood on top of the slide wearing a pink princess dress and cowboy hat. Holding a plastic water pistol with the contents empty, you shot at trees which held the evil monkeys that worked for the evil queen.

"I will save you princess (Y/N)" Mark shouted running around the garden in a cowboy outfit and space helmet on. Holding two water pistols out stretched, he pretended to shoot all around him, eliminating the enemy's in his path.

You starred back at him. "No I don't need saving. I have a gun. I can do it." You moan.
He stops running and looks up the slide with a puzzled expression. "But your a princess. Princesses always need saving." He told you confused.
You shook your head. "I don't. We can get the evil queen together." You proposed.
Mark huffed but agreed. "Fine, but I have to be in charge because I'm older." He stated.
You rolled your eyes, making your way down the slide and standing next to your best friend. "Your only older by a few weeks." You protested holding your gun up again to defend yourself.
"Yes but I am 6 and you are only 5." Mark told you and began to run across the garden to a bush where he hid behind it and poped his head up for you to follow.
You ran towards him, dragging the pink materiel on the floor behind you. "Age is just a number Marki." You smiled.

You both battled rock monsters, defeated the great sea dragon, fought off a demonic elf to get to the queen.
Mark turns to you with a serious look on his face. "Right (Y/N). You take that side, I'll go this side." He said pointing left and right at the garden. "When we get to the middle, we find the queen, but watch out for the monkeys." He warned you patting your arm.
He ran round pointing his pistol around the trees and screaming as he ducked and dived. You laughed at the boy running around, whirling his arms and shooting imaginary villains.
Running up towards the centre of the garden you point out water pistol at the teddy bear with a pink crown on. "Queen evil, surrender  your crown to us. Your not the real queen." Mark shouted down. He began shooting his water pistol that he filled up earlier at the bear eventually knocking it over.

Mark took the crown off the teddy. "There you go princess, now you can be the queen." He said placing the crown on your head. He looked at the grass and kicked a stick around. "Do you need a King to help you rule your kingdom?" He asked quietly but loud enough for you to hear.
You shrugged. "I guess you could help."
He smiled widely and hugged you tight. "Love you (Y/N)." He said happily kissing your cheek quickly.
You laughed. "Ew. Maarrkk. That's discussing."
"When we are older it won't be. I'll be your King and we can rule over the whole world. Together." He smiled, jumping around.
You laughed at your best friend. "That's silly. No one can rule the whole world. It's to big."
Mark just smiled. "You could." He kissed you again and ran away.
Wiping it from your face, you ran after him and into his house where your parents were both sat in the living room. "MARK COME BACK!"


If you couldn't tell from my last update, I saw Marks hair as I started writing this part... I love it to much!

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