On Da Horizon - 29

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Your POV

I just sat. I didn't say a word. I just sat. Looking around the veranda at the 11 other people sat amongst me. Mark, Sean, Felix, Ken, Arin and Suzy, Danny, Ryan and his girlfriend (possibly Jessica), and Matt and Lu.
Mark had invited all of us to his house for the evening. It was a beautifully clear night and only the patio lights lit up our surroundings. I looked at everyone, laughing and smiling. So much happiness encompassed around me. It was like I was in a dream, one I hope I will never wake up from.

Only a year ago if someone told me I would be hanging out with JackSepticEye, the Game Grumps, Markiplier, KidsWithProblems, PewDiePie and CinnamonToastKen I would have asked them what drugs they were on. But it happened. It's happening. All because of a community that grew bigger and bigger and accepted me into it. I started my YouTube channel with nothing but a steam account and free software. But it grew into something I wouldn't trade the world for. I have met the most amazing people, spoken to the best viewers on earth and connected with so much on the Internet. And now I'm sat here.

The biggest gamers on YouTube. The people I looked up to most in life. The ones who inspired me to become what I am now. All sat in front on me now. Talking to me. Accepting me. I looked over at Sean. He looked like the same thing was going through his head. How did I get here? This is insane. We must be the luckiest people on earth. I just smiled. I didn't know what else to do. It was all so surreal. How did a kid like me turn into a YouTuber. I was so great full to all my subscribers because they were the ones who gave me this opportunity. Who told Mark and Sean of my existence. Who pestered them to play PropHunt with me. Who gave me the confidence I needed to actually talk to people. They did this for me.

And now here I am. Sat between Mark and Sean. I spoke when they talked to me but other than that I just stayed silent. I still wasn't sure if this was real life or if it was just a fantasy. But when Mark hugged me halfway through the night when I was feeling cold, I knew this was not a dream. This was the best night of my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world.


This was inspired by something Jack said in a video after he came back from LA. I loved that video because he was just so happy about being with his friends that he doesn't get to see often. It was so cute. -A (So sorry this was short! I'm ill at the moment but I still wanted to update for you guys.)

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