Mr Fischbach #2 - 43

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It had been 6 months since we first had Mr Fischbach and he wanted to quiz us on everything we had learnt up until now. A surprise quiz may I add, in first lesson. It was hard, and I mean super hard. The questions were complex and worded in funny ways. It was just confusing.
Mark took all the papers in, ending with me. "How did you find it?" He whispered. I just pulled a face and shook my head. He understood perfectly and nodded. "Talk to me after your forth lesson and I'll look at your paper." He told me quietly, walking back to the front of the room. "Okay, you all may go to your next lessons early." He addressed the class.
The horrible chair noise made me wince as everybody stood up fast and made a b-line for the door.

After forth lesson it was lunch. I walked to Marks classroom and knocked on the door. I heard him call from inside to "come in" so I did so. "Ah (Y/N). Hi." He greeted pulling up a chair to his desk for me to sit on. I closed to door and placed my bag beside the mahogany desk. I sat down next to him and watched as he reached into a draw next to him and took out a booklet of paper. His muscular arms were a contradiction to his beautiful eyes. But his chiseled facial features made him look so handsome. He's your teacher remember. Don't get to carried away. I thought to myself as I stopped looking at the man beside me and twiddled my thumbs. "So I looked over your paper" he started "and you did considerably better than at the beginning of the year. Your still below your target level but by the end of the year I think you can get there." He smiled at me. Oh that smile. So sweet and genuine. Stop! You'll get yourself in trouble. Again, I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled back at him. "Would you like to go over some of the questions?" He asked.
I nodded towards him. "Yes please Mark." I answered. He smirked at his name and took out a section of the papers that I had seen just this morning.

Mark went through the paper with me, indicating which parts I got wrong, how to improve and which parts were really good. Apparently I had actually learnt something. I was getting good at science. We discussed things until Mark asked "have you got a lesson last?"
I thought about my time table for a second remembering I had a free period next. "No. I've got a free." I replied.
This made Mark smile more but he was obviously trying to hide it. "So do you want to continue into last then?" I agreed and we continued talking through the bell and into fifth period.

I could see him sneaking glances towards me every now and again but I didn't look at him while he did it. I didn't want to make it awkward. To be honest I was looking over at him when I thought he wasn't looking to. I would be a bit of a hypocrite if I complained about it. But I didn't mind in the slightest. It made me rather happy if I'm honest. Someone was actually noticing me for once. It was nice. Plus in the months I had known him I had developed a slight crush. And by that I mean I may have fallen head over heals.

At one point we looked at each other at exactly the same time. His eyes locked into mine like the first day we met but this time, he didn't look away. He didn't look down or brush it off as though he was meant to be looking somewhere behind me. No, this guy was mature enough to admit he was looking deep into my eyes and I was doing the same. I searched his coffee brown eyes that sparkled. They were spectacular. I've heard people say that brown eyes are boring and that they lack a certain something that people with blue or green eyes have. But not him. His eyes were full of wonder and fun. But also something else.
Before I realised, his eyes had closed and his lips were on mine. I wasn't sure what was happening. He's kissing you, dimwit. Well do something then. I thought. I closed my eyes and became less tense. It was incredible. It sent sparks through my body and made me feel all giddy inside. It was a soft kiss, hesitant and unsure.

He pulled away all to quickly for my likening and looked away. I knew what he was thinking. He did just kiss a student after all. I heard him breath slowly and deeply. He turned around, not looking into my eyes again, but facing me. "I'm sorry (Y/N). That was unprofessional of me and just plain wrong. I'm so sorry." He sounded disappointed. Not like when he talks to the usually nice kids in class when that do something wrong. It was more serious and about himself.
I shook my head, not that he was looking. "No, I'm as much to blame here as you." I confessed. He raised his head slightly, looking over his glasses. His eyes didn't have that mystery in them anymore, but was replaced with a hint of sadness and sincerity.
He shook his head looking down. "No but I initiated it, it's my fault." He took a deep breath.
I gave him a weak smile. He seemed so defeated and helpless "I didn't push you away though. That must mean something." I hinted. "Look sir, I like you, a lot. And that happened because of both of us." I told him firmly.
Marks breathing hitched at the beginning of the sentence and he raised his head. He looked slightly more confident and looked directly into my eyes to make sure I was being deadly serious.

When he realised I was not lying he lunged forward, connecting our lips once again into a more meaningful and powerful kiss. I thought the last kiss was good but this one set fireworks of inside and I kissed him back with the same amount of passion. When we pulled away he placed his hand on my cheek. "I don't want this to be just some one time thing (Y/N). If that's all you want you can go but if you seriously want to be with me, stay." He affirmed looking at me sweetly.
He and I both knew his job would be at risk so he needed to know that this was real. I placed a sweet kiss on his lips and interlocked my hand with his. "I'll stay." I whispered.
He smiled lovingly at me as there was a knock on the door.


Happy birthday to Wade. He's such an awesome guy. -A

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