Impossible Lets Play - 32

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You walked in to Marks recording room and sighed. This was going to be interesting. Mark had asked you to do an impossible let's play with him but you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. He hadn't yet told you what would make the game impossible, and you were slightly worried.
Seeing him sat hat his desk you walked over and sat on his lap. He groaned and you kissed his cheek. Pulling up the chair next to him you repositioned yourself into that one instead.
"Okay everything is recording?" Mark muttered to himself. He took out a small bottle from under the desk and placed it next to his keyboard. Your face instantly dropped into a state of shock.
No! I'm not doing that! You thought to yourself. Your eyes were wide and your eyebrows couldn't decide what they wanted to do. You turned to see Mark with a smirk oh his face trying not to laugh. "No! You have got to be kidding me. That? Mark, 5 million Scoville Units. I'm going to die!" You told him.
He burst into laughter. "It's okay, I'll do it to. You won't be doing it alone." He reassured, not making it any better. You didn't mind doing it, you were just surprised. Taking a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself for the worst. "You ready?" Mark asked. You nodded and he began his intro. "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier. And welcome to another impossible let's play with my lovely girlfriend and YouTuber (Y/N)." He began. "So today I thought it would be a good idea for us to dig out the hot sauce and toucher our selfs for your entertainment." He smiled at the camera.
"Do you love us yet? Can we stop now?" You pleaded the camera.
Mark giggled beside you. "So in this video we are going to be visiting an old game I played when I did the very first hot sauce video, Sonic Unfair!" He said joyfully.
I stared blankly at Mark, trying not to butt into laughter at both of our stupidity. Why are we doing this? You asked yourself but smiled because you thought it would actually be quite fun.

Mark kept talking to the camera for a little longer but soon turned to you and handed you a spoon with the flaming red liquid pored onto it. It was painful just to look at. "Okay, you can play first but we will eat it at the same time, yes?" He affirmed. You nodded, stating a cheery yes. You clicked your spoons together. "Cheers." Mark spoke before you both put the burning lava into your mouths. The heat hit instantly causing you to cough. "Don't cough. It makes it worse." Mark advised pushing the keyboard closer to you.
You began the annoying game, getting past the first level in 4 tries.

Mark then took over for the second level. You began panting in an attempt to get some kind of cold air down your throat. The heat had made you impatient and watching Mark fail 7 times in a row was getting to much. "Fuck this. Your terrible Mark. Give it here!" You frantically puffed trying to get cold air into your mouth. You took the keyboard from in front of him and began mashing the keys. You completed the level in around 4 goes.
Laying back in your chair you made a noise you and Mark both didn't know was humanly possible. You both laughed uncontrollably, begging to feel really happy. "I feel so good. It burns but I'm good." You spoke joyfully.
He giggled. "Oh yer. We're in the euphoric stage." He kept laughing but it still burnt like hell was erupting wishing our mouths. "I kind of forgot how bad it was." Mark told the camera.

You stood up. "Nope. I'm out. I need the milk. My lips are burning to a crisp." You said running to the kitchen. Grabbing two large gallons of milk from the fridge, you ran back to the room and set one on the table. With the other, you ripped the lid of and put your lips around it. You drank it, panting in between sips. You put your lips inside the bottle, trying to cover them with the milk as well to cool them down as they felt like the sun on your face.
When you had finished the whole bottle, you looked at your boyfriend. "I'm never doing that again!" You told him smiling. He was now drinking the milk as well, chugging it back to feel normal again. "It was fun, but I can't stand that again." You both smiled at each other and agreed.
Mark finished off his video "and as always, I will see you, in the the next video. Bu-buy." He signed off. You both waved and he shut off all his equipment.

You got up from the chair looking down at yourself. "I feel dirty. I need a shower." You complained.
Mark looked up over his glasses with a straight face and his eyebrows raised. A smirk began creeping across his face and he wiggled the once still eyebrows. "May I join you?" He suggested. You laughed and took his hand, dragging him out of the blue and black recording room.


When Marks hits 12 million I swear I'm gonna lose my shit! My baby is growing up. -A

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