Just another LA Devotee - 5

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(Y/F/N) Your Friends Name

Marks POV
I sat at a table in a club with Bob, Ryan, Matt and Wade. I wasn't drinking, obviously, but I wanted to come just to see Wade dancing. Yep, that's right. When Wade is drunk he dances. And it's not normal dancing, it's weird. But completely hilarious.
I scanned the club for Wade as he had wandered into the vast sea of people. It didn't take long to locate my target as a circle had been formed around him and people looked on at his horrendous dad like dancing. Before long girl with brown hair suddenly emerged in the circle with him, also contributing to the scene with some embarrassing of her own. After the two became slightly weary, the girl flopped onto her friend and Wade lead them back to our table.
The brown haired girl was being herded to the table by her friend who I could only see properly when she got to the table and plonked her friend in the floor.

Wade sat back next to Bob and started introducing the two girls. "Guys, this is (Y/F/N) and this is.." He stated clicking trying to rack his brain for the girls name.
"(Y/N)" she spoke. I finally looked up at her. She was stunning. Even in the dim light I could see her.

The guys all left the table and went out to the dance floor. I stayed and shuffled up for (Y/N) to sit next to me. "Is she gonna be alright?" I asked looking down and pointing at her friend who had passed out on the beer stained carpet floor.
She nodded. "Yer, she'll be completely fine. She's just a light weight. She's had 3 drinks." (Y/N) laughed at her. I laughed back.
Her friend suddenly woke up and looked around. "I'm gonna go back in there. Bye." And before (Y/N) could stop her, she skipped back into the crowd of dancing bodies dancing to Fall Out Boy's Irresistible.

(Y/N) sighed. "I'll find her in a second." She spoke turning back to me.
"So are you not drinking?" I asked looking into her sparkling eyes.
She chucked. "Nah not really. I had one bottle. But I'm completely sober. It's just funny watching (Y/F/N) dick around." She looked out at the people again then at her hands that were placed on the table. "I should really go find her before she falls on someone and pisses them off." (Y/N) announced getting up from the table.
I stood up next to her. "I'll come with you. I need to round up Wade. Ryan can drive the other two back. Do you need a lift?" I asked, silently hoping I could spend more time with her.
She thought for a moment. "Yes please. That would be great" she thanked.

We walked together to the outskirts of the array and braced our selfs. As people grinder against each other or waved their arms around we began parting the people to find our friends. I came across Ryan, letting him know what was going on. He had the least to drink apart from me and I knew it was a safe amount for him to drive back.
When we found the two drinkers, we guided them out of the club and into the cool April LA breeze. I unlocked the car and dumped Wade on the back seat where he fell asleep almost instantly. (Y/N) also dropped (Y/F/N) in the back who also fell asleep but not before shouting the words "praise Jesus for vodka". (Y/N) closed the back door and got in the passenger side. I climbed in the front and I drove her back to hers.

Once we reached her house, I helped he get her friend out the car and onto the sofa in the living room. "I'm not taking her upstairs. I have no time for that." She laughed. "Thank you so much for giving me a ride home." She acknowledged. I shrugged "No problem. Hey, you know, to say thanks you could go on a date with me. Say, tomorrow?" I inquired expecting her to say no.
The corners of her mouth turned into a smile and she nodded. "Sure I would love to."
I smiled back "I'll picked you up around 7 then. Have a nice night."

I left and got into the car squeezing like a little girl. I was abruptly bought back to reality when I heard a sleeping Wade whisper "No, the squirrels don't like peanut butter. Get them away" from behind me. This was going to be an interesting morning.


The title has no relevance, I just couldn't think of anything and that was the last song I listened to. Quality writing!
Marks hair has turned purple and it is actually the most beautiful thing I have seen in my life. Not gonna lie! -A

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