Sleeping With Sarcasm #2 - 55

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Thank you everyone who commented! Your all awesome. I decided to do them both thanks to the suggestion of a lot of people. I'll start with the happy because that one got the most overall. The other one will be in the next part. Thanks again, for EVERYTHING. -A



Mark had spammed my phone with calls, texts, voice mails and messages on every social media possible. I read every message and listened to everything but didn't reply once.

Laying on my best friends sofa, I declined his 56th call. 4 hours after I left and he was still persistent but I wasn't budging. I don't need him. I whispered to myself as the first tear slid cautiously down my pail face. The colour in my checks had been drained and I felt hopeless. I tried to act tough, put on a brave face, like I didn't care. But I really did. He hurt me more than words could. He cheated on me. And with her. Who even was she?

As my phone buzzed once more I gave in angrily. "Sorry wrong number. I'm not your little fuck buddy. Now leave me the fuck alone." I whisper yelled through the phone, knowing that (Y/F/N) was sleeping upstairs.
"Look (Y/N)..." Mark sighed.
"What the hell do you want Mark?" I bit back, frustrated at his eagerness to contact me.
I heard a sniffle from the other side of the line. "Please (Y/N). C-Can we just talk. I n-need to talk to y-you." He stammered, his words getting choked by his obvious tears.
I sighed. "Fine Mark but don't expect me to forgive you."
He smiled. I could hear it through the phone when he spoke. "Thank you. Could you come round later?" He sniffed, listening intently for an answer.
I nodded through the phone, remembering he can't see me I answer him. "Sure Mark. I'll be round at about 11 okay." I confirmed with him.
The sad man on the other side of the phone thanked me profusely until I put the phone down.

Placing the phone on the floor, I fell back onto the sofa. "Why do I care so much?" I mumble to myself. As I hear creaks coming from the stairs I sit up slightly to see my best friend plodding her way down. "You alright?" I ask as she makes her way towards me in her sleepy zombified state.
Nodding slowly, she sits down next to me and looks into my eyes. "You're going to see him aren't you." She stated in a questionable way. I nod back slowly looking at the floor. "Just remember he did cheat on you. And it's not something that accidentally happens. I'm not trying to make things worse for you guys, I'm just making sure you don't get hurt again." She spoke softly in a comforting fashion.
"I know. I still love him though. But he was such an arse." I confessed. We both giggled at my bluntness.
"Just do what you think is right okay." She told me before getting up and walking away to the kitchen.

When 11 o'clock came I was walking up the drive way to 'our' house. So many amazing memories had been made and shared their. But now when I looked at it all I saw was her. Her smug grin. Her perfect face. She made me hate every memory I had from that house.

As I got to the door I knocked hesitantly. Mark arrived as quickly as I had and flung the door open. "Hi." He whispered almost surprised I even showed up.
I gave him a weak smile and looked at the ground. "Hey." I replied quietly but enough for it to be audible.
"Come in." Mark stepped aside allowing me to creep into the house as if I had never been here before.

We walked into the living room and sat on the sofa beside each other. "Look (Y/N), I'm so so sorry. I was frustrated and I needed you but I knew you weren't here and I didn't want to disturb you because you were at work. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that because I love you so much and I regretted everything instantly." Mark explained.
I listened. I wanted to hear everything before I spoke. "But you didn't stop." I argued.
He looked at me quizzically. "Pardon?"
"You didn't stop. When you regretted everything instantly, you didn't stop it. Not until I came in." I spoke forcefully but not raising my voice. I knew that would start an argument that I didn't need right now.
He just looked at the laminate floor beneath him. "I know I can't take back what I have done but I'm truly sorry. I really love you and only you."
I shook my head. "No Mark. You can't cheat on someone and still love them. Otherwise you wouldn't have even thought of cheating in the first place." I told him solemnly. "I'm sorry Mark. I really am but I can't do this." I said, standing up from my place on the settee.
"No, please. (Y/N). I love you. Please don't leave me." He cried as I walked to the door.
I sighed, opening the door. "I can't Mark. Not now."

I left the house, once again, knowing Mark was at the door, stood there, in silent sobs.

//Time skip. Because I'm a Time Lord. Deal with it. ;) //

I had been living in LA for around 3 years now. A few months after I left Mark I got a promotion and had to move to LA, not that I was complaining. It was good to have a change of scenery and make new friends.

I walked around the supermarket looking for the big bottles of water. When I got to the very end isle of the shop, it was pretty much deserted. I walked over to the water that was staked on 5 consecutive shelves. The sea of glistening clear liquid covered the plane back wall varying in different brands and types of water. Who knew there was so many types of water. Water is water isn't it?

I reached down to grab the most convenient bottle when someone crashed their trolley into mine. I shot up looking at the culprit. That's when my eyes shot open and I think my heart stopped for a moment. Not sure if it was in shock or something else.
"Mark?" I asked in astonishment, making sure my eyes had not deceived me.
He looked as utterly confused as I was. "What the- (Y/N)? Jesus Christ. It's great to see you." He smiled giving me a hug that I gladly returned. It was just like it used to be. Warm and safe. He pulled away and smiled wider. "What's it been, like 3 years? How are you doing? Why are you in LA?" He enquired throwing a lot of questions around.
I breather deeply. "Yeah it's been to long. I'm doing alright though. I got a promotion almost three years ago and that's why I'm here." I giggled. "So, how's life treating you? What brings you here?" I asked genuinely curious at his answer.
"Its not been to bad thanks. YouTube has really taken off and I guess that's the reason I'm here." He shrugged giving me a wide grin.

We talked for a while about random things we needed to catch up on until Mark uttered the words I never thought I would hear from him. "I really miss you (Y/N). I really really do. I thought I would be able to move on but you were always in the back of my mind. I regret everything hat happened and if I could take it back I would in a heart beat. I still love you (Y/N)." He confessed looking at the floor of the air conditioned shop.
I placed my hand on his as he clasping on to the handle of the shopping trolley a little to tight. His grip loosened and his eyes began to look to mine. "I miss you too. I think I just needed time to forgive you and know you really didn't want to be with her. I love you Mark." I spoke quietly as his deep brown eyes gazed into mine.

There was a moment of silence before Mark placed his hand in my cheek and kissed my lips softly. It was hesitant and gentle. As if he might brake me if he was any less delicate. I kissed him back a little more forcefully and he relaxed, smiling as we pulled away. "So we're alright?" He asked.
I nodded smiling at the happy little man. "Yer, we are alright." I answered as he took my hand in his and walked down the isle.

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