We're Going To The Zoo - 45

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The four of us piled into the car. Mark and Ryan in the front with Matt and I in the back. The car ride was not to long. Matt insisted on a singalong to pass the time on the way. But after half an hour we finally turned up at the zoo. There weren't many people there as it wasn't in the holidays or on a weekend. It was just a fun Tuesday.

We got out of the car and Mark took my hand in his, swinging it back and forth. Matt and Ryan skipped ahead lively to the entrance of the zoo and waited for us. "Come on slow pokes. I wanna see the monkeys." Ryan moaned.
Mark chucked. "I'm looking at one." He commented starting at Ryan.
Matt burst into laughter and dragged us to the ticket office. "For adults please." He chirped. It ounces so odd that is was just four grown people going to the zoo. We didn't care though, it was going to be great. Once the woman in the booth slid is our tickets, Matt and Ryan bolted for the doors, waving at us and vanishing into the park.
Mark tuned to me holding our tickets. "Guess it's just us then. We'll probably meet them at lunch, but until then I got you all to my self." He squeezed my hand lightly and I smiled up at him.
"I can't wait. Where do you want to go first?" I asked slightly pulling him as I really wanted to see all the animals.
He laughed at my eagerness "your almost as bad as the other two kids. Why don't we go to the lions first." He suggested. I nodded frantically and we walked over to the first enclosure.

It was massive. You had to take a little truck to get through the entire enclosure. Most of the lions were peacefully sleeping but a few cubs were playing with one of the female lions. It was so sweet. I snapped a few photos but wanted to watch them mostly. The baby's were so cute. They would probably kill me if I got close, but from far away I loved them. Their golden fur looked like Chica and Lego's. They were such majestic creatures. Lazy, but majestic.

We soon moved on to the Tigers who were at first had to find but when one started walking out from behind a bush, some others came out as well. I loved these the most. They were stunning. Their orange and black stripes complimented each other perfectly and they looked wonderful. They just walked around. A few of the younger ones jumped around the grass and in the pool of water that they had. One older on roamed the vast enclosure, coming really close to the truck. He walked without a care, knowing he had authority in the park. It was amazing.

Mark and I went through some more enclosures with zebras, giraffes, antelope and even rhinos. They were all so peaceful and content, munching away at their food, or playing with one another. When we got to the end, Mark hopped out, holding my hand as I climbed down the two steps from the jeep thing. We walked around the park, looking at the reptile house and the bird enclosure that we could walk through. One of the birds landed on Marks head making him freak out a tiny bit and flail his arms. The bird didn't seem fazed by the mass of activity underneath him and sat there without a care in the world. I just laughed at Marks reaction to the animal, clutching my stomach and wiping away tears. I keeper from the park came over and took the bird off of Mark and giggled at him as well. It was amusing.

Before long we rejoined Matt and Ryan at the restaurant in the centre of the park. "Hey guys. Been kissing in the corner of the enclosures?" Ryan joked.
I looked at him and laughed. "No. But have you two?" I asked back.
Ryan's eyebrows looked confused and Matt just laughed. "Yer we defiantly have." He joined in, sending me into a fit of laughter as Ryan stared at Matt in horror. Mark had his arm around my waist, laughing hysterically as well.
Ryan rolled his eyes. "Okay. What ever, make fun of me." He joked.
Our laughter dies down a bit and we walked in. "We're sorry monkey man." Mark answered, setting Matt off again laughing. Ryan rolled his eyes once more in amusement.


I'm sorry I didn't know what to do and I'm having slight writers block. Hope you guys are alright ? Have a good day. -A

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