Mr Fischbach #1 - 40

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I sat at the back of the room with a piece of lined paper on my desk and a pen in my hand. I tapped the end of the pen against the desk in a steady rhythm until the boy in front of me growled at me to stop. Biting the lid, we all waited for the new Science teacher to come through the door. People were talking and bitching as per usual. I had no friends in science so there I was, sat all alone at the back of the class, bored as heck.

The doors burst open as a man wearing a white shirt and skinny black tie walked in. He set his laptop on the table walking round to the front of his desk and perching on the edge. "Hello class. My names Mr Fischbach and I'll be your science teacher until the end of the year." He announced in a deep, dominating voice.

My eyes widened. He's our teacher? He's hot! Wait, what? No. Shut up me. He's a teacher for crying out loud. No! I had an internal battle with my subconscious. I was right though. He was hot. With his jet black hair and cute face. Just, stop looking at him. Your being creepy. I though to myself.

Mr Fischbach began taking the register, checking everybody was here and not bunking off. He looked up every time he called a name to to put faces to said names.
"Yes sir"
"Yer" I called as he looked up to see where I were. His eyes locked with mine and he held the contact longer than expected. Mr Fischbach soon realised and put his head back down and looked for the next persons name. His eyes were beautiful. A deep shade of brown that sparkled but also looked sexy as hell.

He finished and began teaching us about respiration. "What are the types of repiration?" He asked. No one moved a muscle. Out last teacher, Mr Barber, was hopeless. He didn't teach us anything. Plus we weren't really the type of class to study outside of lessons. Yay for bottom set science. So no one really knew what he was talking about. "Does anyone know? Anyone at all? You." He pointed in my direction and everyone stared. My eyes widened and my heart raced. I was the last person anyone would ask about science. "Fast and slow?" I asked shrugging and looking directly into his eyes, squinting at my uncertainty.
He sighed. "No. It's anaerobic and aerobic." He confirmed, scribbling it on the whiteboard for us to write down.
Everyone vigorously copied it down but I just sat there. It's all in the text book anyway. I just stared at the man in front of us all, jotting various points on the bored that I probably should have been listening to.

The end of the lesson came around all to quickly and everyone packed away. I took a picture of the bored allowing me to copy the notes at home so the lesson wasn't a compleat waist of time. "I'd like to see how much work everybody has done before you leave." Mr Fischbach called out over the grotesque sound of the chairs scraping across the floor. I walked to the door hoping he hadn't seen me so I could sneak out knowing I hadn't done nearly enough.
I had probably written the date and 3 bullet points before I got lost in the floof of his hair. "(Y/N), where do you think you are going?" He spoke over the group of people. I turned around slowly as everyone passed me and left the room to go home. Walking towards him, he stretched his arm out and took the paper that I held, folded tiny, in my hand. He opened it up and read over the 4 lines I had scrawled onto the page. "This is only 4 lines. I wrote loads of points on the bored for you to look at. Did it not make sense?" He asked sweetly.
I just shrugged. "I don't know. Science doesn't make much sense. Ever. It's to complicated and wordy." I told him honestly looking at the floor.
The door behind us was closed and the room was clear of all students. Mr Fischbach tilted my head up and looked me in the eye. "If it doesn't make sense just say. I don't mind. I'll help you." He told me.
I nodded. "Thank you sir." I smiled and he handed me the paper back.
"Try and copy down 8 bullet points from the text book when you get home and if you don't understand, highlight them and bring them in tomorrow. I'll go over them with you." He told me walking to the door. He put his hand in the door knob and twisted it. "By the way, just call me Mark when no one else is around. I hate all the official 'sir' crap." He waved his free arm around and I giggled at him.
Nodding my head I walked through the door that he pulled open for me. "Okay. Bye Mark." I waved, walking down the hall and out the doors of the school.

Everyday after that was the same. I would go to his lessons, he would make long lasting eye contact with me at random points in the lesson when no one was watching, he would occasionally help me after school and I would still only understand half the lesson. But it was half more than I did before, so that's a start at least.
That was until one lunchtime in the middle of Spring.


I don't know science. I failed it. This topic has been on my list to do since the start so I really want to make this mini series good. -A

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