Horror Night - 41

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Horror games... Yay. I thought as Mark bought up the game on the TV screen in front of us. He had hooked his computer to the TV so we could have a game night on the comfy sofa downstairs instead of in the corner of Marks room.

He had picked 5 games for us to play over the course of the night. Five Nights at Fredy's, Sophie's Curse, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Evil Within and good old Slender. We weren't going to play these all the way through that's for sure. One; a few of them were very long and two; I would be hiding behind a pillow within the first 10 minutes of starting a game.

Mark started up the first game. Slender. "I'm starting you off easy." He told me, handing the keyboard over to me and sitting close.
I ventured the dark forest gathering up 3 pages and walking towards the building in the middle. "Fuck that place. That's the sort of building people get stabbed in." I shook my head walking around the building instead. Instantly the screen began to crackle and weird noises erupted from the speakers. "Nope, nope. Nopety nope. I'm out, I'm gone, I'm leaving. Run away!" I called running around and into the building.
Mark just laughed the entire time. "Look now your in the stabber a house." He clapped as I continued walking.
My eyes stayed glued to the screen where as Marks jumped between me and the game. "It's fine. I'll just keep walking till I get out. As long as there are no dead e- oh" I spoke to soon. Standing with a wall in front of me I sighed. "Well... Great." I knew what was coming so I turned around and began walking back out. The screen fuzzed and I had no where to run so I let it happen. It still took me a little by surprise though. I turned and birthed my face into Marks chest not wanting to look at the screen. He chuckled at me as I pull away from him and handed him the keyboard. "Your go. I'm not doing that again. It's frustrating." I told him calmly. He chuckled again and played through the game only encountering slender a few times but still getting to the end.

Mark placed a kiss on my cheek and exerted the game. "Which one next?" He asked. I just shrugged not really knowing what they were. "How about Sophie's Curse?" He pointed to the desktop and I nodded. Mark loaded up the game and I took control again. "Okay what you have to do is wind up all of these lights so they don't go out. See those bars at the bottom?" He taught me. I nodded looking to the bottom right of the screen. "That's the amount of power left in the lights so that tells you when you need to wind it up." He pointed out. I nodded and began walking round the house, winding up lights and finding the safe zones.
"Mark, why are there safe zones? How do you know when to go to them?" I asked still scurrying round the rooms to crank the leaver.
He didn't say anything as if he knew something was going to happen soon. After about 30 seconds a noise sounded on he game. "Don't move!" Makes ordered. "Okay, now run to your face zone!" He insisted. I walked my character to zone B and waited near the light. The screen faded slightly and flashed the words 'checkpoint' in long letters. I sighed in relief but was instantly alert as the game threw me straight into the best hour. 9am. "Well done. See your good at this." Mark encouraged as I festively raced around the partially lit house. The noise sounded once again and I stood still. "You need to get you your safe point." Mark pointed out.
I panicked. "Where is the safe zone. I don't know. I didn't check." I flapped running towards the computer in the corner. Instantly, a face jumped up and I sprung out of the chair, running to the wall screaming. "That was not funny!" I shouted looking at Mark as he lead on the sofa in fits of deep laughter. "I don't want to play anymore." I walked back over to Mark who was beginning to control himself.

I sat on the sofa beside him once again feeling my heart still beating rapidly against my chest. Mark scared me slightly by putting his hand on my shoulders she making noises. I was a bit jumpy so I wasn't expecting it. I picked up a pillow and hit his arm with it. "Don't do that you idiot." I laughed as Mark picked up a pillow to defend himself, laughing behind it.
He put his hand out and grabbed my pillow. "I'm sorry love. Forgive me?" He asked making a pouty face.
I crosses my arms. "Fine. But only if we don't have to play another game because I'm not going to be able to sleep now." I compromised.
Mark nodded and wrapped his arms around me. "Wanna watch Ratatouille instead?" He asked. I nodded. I knew how much he loved that film. Its his favourite. That and the Incredibles.

Later that night when we are all tucked up in bed, Mark had his arms snaked tightly round my waist and he was breathing softly. I on the other hand was wide awake and worrying about the darkness. Marks eyes opened slightly. "Have you been at sleep yet?" His croaky voice whispered. I shook my head. "Come closer. I'm here. I'll protect you from the monsters." I giggled at him but appreciated the joke. We snuggled closer and he rested his chin on my head, pulling me closer and tangling our legs together. "I love you."
He whispered as I drifted to sleep.


I love horror games. I wrote this like I was my sister. She hates horror games and jump scares. It's so funny when she watches me play them or sits and watches YouTubers play them. -A

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