Sleeping with Sarcasm - 52

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I pulled up the drive way to the front of the house and sat in the drivers seat for a few moments, collecting my thoughts. I breathed in and out calmly knowing that I can finally relax after a long day of work. It was 11pm and I had only just got back from the office. It had been a hectic day that couldn't have gone on longer if it tried.
Sighing, I opened the door taking my bag off the passenger seat and climbing out the car. I locked it and walked up to the house that I shared with my boyfriend Mark.

Walking into the house, something felt different. I shrugged it off and slipped my shoes off, dropping my satchel on the floor next to the small pile of shoes left by the door. I wandered into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water and looking through the post. Bills, irrelevant adverts, a coupon for something or other. All of which could be saved for another day. I was to bored to look over anything in any sort of detail so I decided to call it a night and head to bed.

Mark would usually go to bed early on days that I worked late. He wouldn't sleep though. He would usually either edit, read or just merrily day dream until I was home.

As I walked up the stairs, noises began to sound through the landing. Confusion etched my face as I approached the room of which the noises were coming from; the bedroom. I prepared myself for what was behind the door. I pushed it open letting light from the corridor stream in reviling two bodies fused together hungrily.

I flicked the light switch on and leant against the doorframe. This illuminated the room properly, encouraging the two people to shoot up from their positions grabbing parts of duvet to 'protect their modesty'.
I held my hands up, ushering them to continue. "Oh don't mind me. Carry on. I don't care" I snarled.
"(Y-Y/N)! It's not what it looks like." Mark protested, reaching for his boxers and attempting to shimmy them on under the covers.
I looked sarcastically bewildered at them both. "Well what on earth do you mean. I thought you were playing an innocent game of hide and seek." The sarcasm dripped from my words.
Mark and the mystery woman had nothing to say. "I'm not a child Mark, I know what's going on." I spoke. "It's just nice to know I have something special to come home to." The sarcasm returned quicker then it left as I turned around and began walking down the stairs.

"(Y/N). Wait. Where are you going?" Mark called running after me.
Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, I turn on the balls of my feet around to face Mark. "I don't know. Anywhere away from here." I scowled back.
"Please don't leave. I'm sorry. I was lonel-" he began.
My face began to heat up with anger. "I don't care if you were lonely. You should have called me, gone to a friends, done something productive. I don't care. But instead I find you playing tonsil tennis with some girl I have never seen." I fired back.
He breathed out heavily, running his hand through is faded fiery red hair. "I'll be honest, it wasn't meat to get this far." He confessed.
My eyes widened and I threw my arms up. "Oh, so she came round to play video games and just happened to fall onto your penis. We really should make sure these floors aren't so slippery when people come round next time. Well that's okay then. Problem solved." I couldn't help what was coming out of my mouth and Mark could tell.

"Could you just be serious for one second." Mark shouted.
I turned my nose up at his and took a look up and down. "Says the man in boxers who just cheated on his girlfriend." I spoke in a hushed tone, raising my eyebrow to judge him.

I looked up to see the girl at the top of the stairs wearing one of Marks shirts. "And I'm sorry who even are you? Actually I don't care. Get out of my house." I asked as nicely as I could at that moment, pointing at the door behind me.
The woman gathered her cloths and walked down the stairs, kissing Mark on the cheek as she passed him. He flinched, which I guess was a good sign. "Bye baby. See you soon." She winked, giving him a small wave as she skipped out the house with her stilettos on her fingers.
As the door closed I turned back to Mark. "Out of everyone you could have chosen, her? That's one way to make a girl feel even better about herself. Thank you for making it crystal clear how much you really don't want me." I turned to the door, shoving on my shoes and picking up my satchel and keys. "I'll be back to get my stuff at some point. Don't sell it or touch it."
I grasped the door handle as Mark grabbed my hand. "Please don't go. I love you. I really do. It was a stupid mistake and I hate myself for it. Please (Y/N), I love you." I could hear the tears in his words but still I refused to look at him. I knew if I saw him upset I would just give in and pull him into a warm embrace.
But I had to do what my gut was telling me. "Goodbye Mark. I hope your slut makes you happy." I spat, pulling open the door and leaving the house.

I heard Marks protests from the doorway. His cries and pleas. But nothing worked. He made his bed, now he has to lie in it, even if it is with that slut.

As I drove around town I pulled over and took out my phone. I dialled the first number I thought of. My best friend. "Hey (B/F/N). Can I stay with you, just for tonight? I'll sleep on the sofa. Cheers." She accepted and I made my way to hers, tears in my eyes and a metaphorical dagger through my heart. I partly regretted everything that just happened, but on the other hand I was scared to be with someone I didn't 100 percent trust. I needed a few days to clear my mind.


So I thought I'd just let you guys know, I won't be updating everyday at the moment but I defiantly will be more active in writing.
Hope your all okay. Have a lovely day. -A

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