Meeting His Family - 14

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You stair out of the window as the raindrops race past and skid along the side of the car. Watching two drops race to the corner is the window you smile at the sound of pattering water as it tumbles from the sky. Mark looks over at you for a brief second, not necessarily wanting to take his eyes off the road, but feeling the need to check that you were alright.
He took his hand off the gear stick and placed it in your thigh. "Hey" he said, getting your attention while looking at the road. He got to a red traffic light and stopped the car. You both looked at each other. "It's going to be okay. They're going to love you. I promise. Don't worry my lovely." He tried reassuring you. You just smiled back at him nodding before the light turned green, Mark removed his hand to drive and you returned to racing raindrops down the window.

You had never met Marks family and you were bricking it. For starters, people weren't exactly your strong point. You weren't the type of person to walk into a room and stroll over to a stranger to buy them a drink it even talk to them in the first place for that matter. So talking to people that were important to the man you love and having to make a good impression on them what proving to be extremely daunting for you.
You weren't even sure you were wearing the right thing for meeting his family. You had on skinny jeans, black converse, a t-shirt with (insert band/tv show/youtuber here) on, and a black beanie. Your hair was left down, draped over your shoulder. Mark loved what you were wearing. He always did. But you were worried they would think you didn't care.

As Mark slowed the car down and pulled into a driveway, you tensed up, the realisation finally hitting you that this was happening. "Babe, you'll be fine. I'm right here." He told you leaning over and kissing your cheek. He opened the door getting out the car and you did the same. He walked round to you as you closed to door and he held onto your hand. You felt a little more relaxed being connected to Mark, but the anxiety soon became more evident when you reached the door of the house.

The door bell rang and you gripped Marks hand tighter. Your boyfriend stroked his thumb over your hand as you held it, showing that it will be okay.
When the door opened a lady who had the same features as Mark was standing there. She smiled lovingly, greeting you and showed you in.

You joined Thomas, who was sat with his girlfriend, in the living room. As you both went to sit down a bear like creature came bounding towards Mark. He crouched down stroking and ruffling her fur. "Hello Lucy. Hello. How are you. Ah your so cute." Mark spoke to the dog in his childish voice. It was so sweet so you just giggled at him.


The day was going really well. You had gotten to know Tom and his girlfriend who was lovely. But you hadn't spoken to Marks mum so much.
You offered to help her cook dinner while Mark caught up with Tom and put your suitcase in Marks old bedroom.
"So, (Y/N). How are things between you and Mark?" His mother asked, taking the potatoes out of the oven.
You smiled to yourself, but also began to shake at the questions. "Yer everything is amazing. He's amazing." You told her.
She nodded at you. "I was worried about who he would end up with. I thought he might fall for someone who would hurt him. But I admit, I was wrong. You seem really lovely hun." He announced.
The smile that had crept on your face grew wider. "Thank you. I promise I won't hurt him." You ensured her.
Sh just nodded, smiling. "I know dear. I just hope he realises that you are defiantly a keeper."
As of right on queue, Mark, who was leant his arm in the doorway, walked up to you and kissed your cheek. "Don't worry mom. I love her. A lot."


This ones really bad, I'm sorry. Hey guys, I have a question, do you want me to make a Brothers Best Friend part 3? I don't mind either way. I like writing them but if you don't want it then let me know to.

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