Sleeping With Sarcasm #2.5 - 56

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"I don't care Mark." I shouted down the phone.
"(Y/N), just listen to me for two seconds." He replied, as he attempted to restore some order to the convocation.

It wasn't my fault. He was the one started shouting in the first place. Not to mention he's the reason shouting was even and option. If he hadn't have slept with her we wouldn't be in this mess.
"I don't have to listen to your lies Mark. I know what you did and I don't care. Nothing you can say can change my mind." I proclaimed addressing his pleas for me to come back.
He sighed through the phone. "Fine then. I don't need you anyway. I have Natasha." He spat as if he was superior.
I looked around my friends front room with a confused expression, not that anyone could see me. "Who? Who the hell is Natasha?" I enquired, not knowing the name.
Then it hit me. It was like a ton of bricks crashing down. "The girl I was with yesterday. Her name is Natasha, not that you care." He confirmed sounding smug and proud of himself.
I rolled my eyes in disgust. "Stop being such a child Mark. Grow up." I growled sighing.
"Whatever (Y/N)." And with that he hung up. Without another word, I prised the phone away from my ear and threw it into the sofa. Anger built up inside of me and I couldn't control it any longer. I shouted, thrashing cushions around and falling ace first onto the soft chair. I took the only pillow left on the sofa and screamed into it, allowing the fluffy contents to muffle the noise. This helped and calmed me down. I needed to get it out of my system so I could think straight.

My best friend wandered down the stairs as I lay on my front with my face buried in the cushion. She walked over to where I was lead and sat on the sofa running her hands though my hair. I sat up and fell into a hug with her. My emotions were all over the place. Small tears formed in the corners of my eyes as I snuggled into my friends side.
"What have I done. I should have forgiven him. I messed up." I chocked out through the beginning of my tears.
She shook her head and shushed me. "Hon, what he did to you was out of order. You should not forgive him. You did the right thing. He had no right to play with your feelings like that. You'll find someone better, kinder, more loyal." She comforted, continuing to fiddle with the strands of hair.
"But I just feel so useless and alone. I miss his hugs. He gave the best hugs." I silently cried, remembering Marks warm embrace and comforting cuddles.
She hit my arm lightly. "Stop thinking about him. He shouldn't have chosen her over you then." She reminded me.
Looking down at the floor, I stood up hugging my friend. "Thanks. I'm sorry I had to sleep on your sofa." I apologised.
"No worries hon. Anytime." She confirmed letting me walk away into the kitchen.

About two weeks later my phone rang at 3 in the morning, illuminating the room I slept in pulling me from my dreams. Without looking at who it was I answered the call. "Hello?" I asked knowing this was not an appropriate hour to be calling people.
I heard sobs and murmurs from the other end of the phone. "(Y/N)?" A voice cracked. I knew who it was, the deepness of his voice gave it away.
"What happened Mark?" I asked sincerely, wanting to know what even had bought him to actual tears.

He sniffed a few times before taking a deep breath. "I messed up. I need you (Y/N). I always loved you." He cried.
"And why are you telling me this now? Isn't she there to- oh." It hit me all quite suddenly. I didn't know wether to be smug or feel sorry for him. "She broke up with you didn't she?" I asked in probably the most smug way possible. I gave zero shits at that time in the morning.
Silence came from the other end until I heard a weak voice simply state "yes". I bit my lip trying not to laugh at how karma had come back to bite him on the butt. But I kept cool and just carried on.

"Oh. Well I guess not everything lasts forever." I said not really committing to any side.
He sighed. "(Y/N), I know I don't deserve it but can I have a second chance. I wound do it again. I love you more than anything in the world. Please." He begged, starting to get needy.
I shook my head looking up at the ceiling. "No Mark. You should have thought about that before you sell with another girl. You don't deserve a second chance. You had one and you messed up. Simple." I put my foot down. "I'm sorry Mark. As much as I hate to admit it, I love you to. But I just can't trust you. I'm scared. I don't want to deal with this again. Goodbye Mark." I told him taking the phone away from my ear without listening to his reply.

Pressing end, I placed my phone back onto the table and rolled over to face the wall. What had I done? That was it. There was no way of going back now. It had been done. And as a small tear tricked down my face, the screen of my phone lit up once more.


I have a few things I wanna say.

-First, I'm so sorry this has taken so long. Everything is so hectic and stressful so I'm really sorry.
-Secondly, it has been confirmed that Mark and Amy are together. I love this girl so much and she is amazing. I have seen some people say they are changing the format of their books because of the relationship but I don't really want to do that. I feel like sometimes you need a brake from real life and this can be just that. I love Amy to pieces but I just feel like keeping my book the same.
-Also this IS NOT about Amy. It was thought up and the plan was written way before anyone knew about her!
-Lastly, just thanks. I feel I don't thank you enough. I love how people still stick by me and read this stuff. Thanks guys. I really appreciate all the reads, votes and comments. It makes me so happy. Thank you.

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