Pillows... Pillows Everywhere - 7

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You walked into the living room to a scene that looked like a bomb had just hit it. Pillows, blankets, cushions, chairs and other things you didn't know you owned, led on the floor. All the furniture had been pushed out the way so the centre of the room was clear, apart from the mountain of stuff piled in the centre.

You took your shoes off and walked in looking down at the pile. Your boyfriend came in from the room next door and attacked you into a hug.
You hugged him back and asked "Mark, why is there stuff all over the floor?"
He let go of you and jumped up and down like a 5 year old at Christmas. "I thought we could make a den. I wanna make a pillow den." He proposed.
You chuckle and look down at the floor. "Okay then. Let's do this." You clap your hands together and throw a cushion at Marks head. In return he throws a blanket over your head and begins clearing space in the middle of the room.

You start with the dining room chairs, placing them in four places and making a square. You then lay a blanket on the floor for extra fluffy comfort. Covering the top of the chairs with three blankets to create the roof and so it didn't come down easily. You then threw in ever pillow, cushion and comfy object you both could lay your hands on, into the den.

You both took a step back and looked at your handy work. "Yep, looks good enough to me." Mark spoke up, marvelling at the creation you have both produced. You laughed at him getting in the floor and crawling into the monstrosity that stood in the middle of your living room. Mark walked over to the light switch, flicking it off and scurried back over to the mass of pillows and crawled in next to you. "Oh I forgot something." Mark wiggled out of the den and ran up the stairs coming seconds latter with the duvet off of your bed.

You helped get it into the den, floundering back in. Both you and Mark got insider the duvet and nestled in closer together. "Hey (Y/N). Can we sleep here tonight?" Mark wondered.
You kissed his cheek nodding in the darkness. "Yer. This is the best den I have ever made. We are making the most of our skills. I'm proud of us." You announced triumphantly.
Mark chucked at you and held you close, kissing you gently.

You fell asleep in each others arms in a den that your mother would be proud of.


Sorry this was so short. I had ideas for this but that just weren't as long as I thought they would be. And I didn't have much time to write this. (Btw if anyone saw TØP yesterday, weren't they AMAZING!) -A

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