Head To The Ground - 19

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And I hope I don't drag you down
'Cause I'm starting to feel alright thanks to you
And I hope this can all work out
'Cause I feel like myself when I'm running my head to the ground
- Neck Deep

You had been dating Mark for around a year and eleven months now but you were always worried that you got in the way. Especially in the few weeks after you moved in together. It was probably your worst flaw; worrying. Particularly when it came to Mark. You sometimes worried you weren't good enough or you were to clingy even though he had told you a billion times you were perfect to him.

One morning, when Mark was in New York with Bob, Wade and Jack, you were feeling lonely. You didn't want to call him because he was probably on a panel or meeting fans. You didn't want to get in the way. This was one of the only times he had this chance. You knew how much those times meant to him. It felt like ages until he was coming home though.

Killing time, you remembered how you both met at a convention. It seems like so long ago, almost that you can't remember it. But it all comes back to you. You were running round the tables looking at all the awesome stuff. Fandoms here, fandoms there, fandoms EVERYWHERE. It was like heaven. Then your best friend pulled you towards her and screamed in your ear. Mark had walked past and she was dying in front of you. As she melted to the floor, you dragged her over to meet him. You could see he loved meeting fans. But you guys talked for ages and just kind of hit it off. Once you had exchanged numbers, a few girls came up to him and started speaking to him. They were so pretty, you were surprised he remember who you were.

Now you were living with him. It was a little odd to think it all happened because your best friend was a fangirl. You weren't complaining though. You felt so much happier when you were around him. It wasn't uncommon for you to feel down some times, but with Mark he always made you smile. He made you feel alright.

You were snapped out of your daydreams when your laptop started making that weird noise it emits when you get a Skype call. You ran to your bedroom taking your computer off of the desk in the corner and jumped on the bed looking at who was calling. Mark. Clicking the answer button you almost instantly see Mark, Jack and Bob on the screen. "Hey!" They all said in unison.
"Hey guys. You alright?" You asked.
They all nodded telling you about their day, who they met, what they did, how the first panel was. It all sounded amazing. You wished you were there.

A few days passed and Mark was due home in three days. It was going to be the longest three days of your life. You got bored so you decided to stair out of your window. Yep you were that bored! A man with a clipboard and hat was roaming the streets. One of those men who try and sell you triple glazing windows even though your windows are completely fine and you both know it. Or the guys that come and ask if you want to buy a box of fruits that gets delivered to your door. I'm pretty sure if you can go to the supermarket to get milk, I can get some oranges too. Or a dude that "had been re-paving a neighbours driveway" and thinks "your drive needs new bricks too" even if it was laid 3 weeks ago and no one down the road is having work done on the house. You watched the man dart from one house to the next.

As he got closer you walked downstairs to brace yourself with the human contact. When the doorbell rang you opened the door to find a colourful haired man stood in front of you. "Hey babe." He smiled.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and jumped onto him. He caught you and spun you around a bit. The man with the clipboard stood behind Mark for a moment. "Maybe I'll come back tomorrow." He said timidly, pointing down the road and proceeding to walk off.
You and Mark laughed as the man walked away. "I though you said you didn't come back for three days?" You asked as Mark put you back on the ground and you walked in the house together.
"Yer. But every time I Skyped you you looked a little sad, like you were trying to hide it. And I didn't want that. I also couldn't be away from you any longer." He confessed.
What he told you made you happy but it also made you uneasy. It was your fault he left. Was all you could think. "Mark I feel like I'm dragging you down. Like you can't do these amazing things because of me. I'm getting in the way of your dreams." You admitted, not daring to look at Marks face.
He sighed. "(Y/N). Listen to me. Your are not holding me back. Your helping me do this. It's because of you I feel motivated to get up in the morning. To work. Just so I can spend as much time with you. And yes I love going to conventions, but they get boring by the end and after we are finished there's not much to do. Plus I want to spend time with you. Because I love you. And you mean the world to me." He told you. "Together we'll be okay."
You smiled up at him and hugged him tight. "I love you Mark."


I have always loved this song. Neck Deep are amazing and I DEFIANTLY recommend them if you have never heard of them. I've seen them twice and they are great. -A

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