10k? A/N

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Okay so I just looked and I hit 10k reads last night. I'm speechless. This is insane! I can't really believe it. Thank you guys, so so much!

This is seriously so amazing for me and means so much. I don't write for any reason. I just write because I love it. I'm glad you guys have stuck around and read my really terrible work.

You have no idea how much this means to me. I wouldn't care if I had 10 readers or 10k readers, I just want to entertain people with the shit I post. It is truly baffling that so many people actually take time out there day to read this. Thank you all again!

I hope I can entertain you further with new imagines soon if you guys stay. I will be posting soon. Sorry for the long ass impromptu hiatus. School is busy af and my head is all over the place. Once the graphics exam is over I will hopefully get back to writing. I don't care about the English exam, I'm gonna fail that anyway.

But thank you so god damn much for this. You are all incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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