Accidental Art - 21

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Mark and I punched open the doors to the centre and walked in. After Mark, Matt and Ryan had enjoyed improv classes he thought it would be fun to attempt an art lesson. He wanted me to join him, thinking we could have a laugh and learn some new things.
Today was the first lesson we had since high school and I was pretty exited.

Walking into the room, we were confronted by a bubbly lady who introduced herself as Lisa. "Hello my lovelies. Sit anywhere. We are just waiting for a few more people." She told us.
There were rows of wooden desks that seated two per table with objects on the middle of each table. We sat as the back of the room and looked down at the items on the table. In front of us was a pad of paper each and 5 different pencils. The object we had was a bowl of fruit.
"I'm super exited for this." Mark grinned, rocking in his chair.
I rolled my eyes smiling at my boyfriend. "Your such a dork" I giggled.

Once everyone had arrived, Lisa started the class. "Okay everyone. Welcome. Today we are going to focus on some simple still life drawing. Look at the items on your desks and sketch them." She instructed.
The task was sample enough. I started sketching out the bowl, then filled in the fruit that stuck out on top. I shaded where the shadows were formed and left white here the light hit. It took around an hour to creat the piece.
When I had finished I looked over at Marks work. I was in shock. My hands clasped over my mouth. The room was silent and I wanted to keep it that way. I let out a small snigger as I couldn't take my eyes off his masterpiece.
He looked over at me confused. "What are you laughing at? It's not that bad." He whispered.
I took a deep breath, "Um Mark... That's a dick." I told him pointing at the paper.
Mark had tried to draw a banana, some apples and an orange but it didn't quite turn out as planned. He looked at the fruit bowl and back at his sketch "no it doesn- oh... Oh I see it now. Whoops." He admitted furrowing his eyebrows.
I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter. Mark soon joined me laughing hysterically.

Lisa clapped her hands together and we abruptly stopped out laughter. "If you could all pin your drawings up on the board at the front then we can critique them all." She announced.
Mark looked at me wide eyed, a smile creeping on his face as he held in the laughs. I held my hand to my mouth to stop myself from starting again.
The group walked to the front and clipped their work on the board. We all went back to our seats and looked at the amazing art work in front of us with Mark abomination in the centre.
Lisa began asking around the class what they liked about specific pieces of work. She then came to Marks. "So what's good about.. this one?" She asked studying it, asking herself the same question. No one spoke. All you could hear were mine and Marks sniggers at the back of the room. As Mark sank into his chair further with embarrassment he fell off his chair disrupting the class further. "If you aren't going to take this class seriously, please leave." Lisa finally demanded.
We both sat still and silent for a few seconds before we stood up and walked out silently.  Once in the hall, we fell onto each other laughing embarrassingly hard.
"We can never go back there again." I told him through the tears of joy.
He nodded catching his breath. "I know. It was fun while it lasted." He sighed as we finally stopped laughing.

Walking back to the car Mark looked to me. "So you want to attempt an Archery class next week?" He asked. I just shook my head opening the door and climbing in.


Sorry this was a little shorter than normal. I think it was okay though. -A

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