Boys Will Be Boys - 18

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You know those boys who shout loudly across the classroom at each other. That throw stuff at their mates to get their attention even though they are sat a table in front of them. The ones who walk around like they own everything, even though they are only 17 years old and not aloud out after 10 pm. The guys that don't really care about people's feelings unless someone is pretty or popular.
Why do they exist?

You know those girls that walk down the halls like they don't care what people say. Like they are the most perfect people on earth. The ones who have all the boys starting at them when they aren't looking and sometimes when they are. The girls who have the confidence to walk down the street looking stunning as hell.
Why can't I be like them?
I never could pull that off. I never really want to either. Most of those sorts of people are rude anyway. Not all of them, but most.

School sucked. Though I'm pretty sure it was only because I was bullied. My two friends was the only thing that encouraged me to go to school.
There was one group of boys though. This group would make life hell for whoever they wanted. Mostly nerdy kids or ones who they called emo. This group consisted of Frank, Michael and David. They were popular, and I mean really popular. Everyone knew who they were. Frank was the captain of the Football team, Michael was a know it all who spent money like it grew on trees and David was the annoying goofy one who never shut up in class.
There was another one in their group though. The sensible one, the one that was to sweet to hurt anyone. He was the most popular guy in school. Mark Edward Fischbach.
I used to get along with his. We used to sit next to each other in Science, IT and Maths. We would help each other out and give each other the homework the other didn't do. He was amazing at IT. Computers were defiantly his thing, but he only admit that to me. I guess we were friends, but then we just stopped talking. We exchanged smiles down the corridors but that was about it. I did have a huge crush on him though.

It was the rush between Art and English, where everybody in the school was leaving class and making their way to the next one. It was more than common to get a few bumps from young boys running down the crowd redden hall or a tired guy who really couldn't give a toss. But as the three boys approached me I knew what was happening. I grabbed the strap on my bag tight with my right hand and clenched my left fist with slight fear.
"Heeyy, dick head." I heard them call as they got closer.
Please be talking to someone behind me. Please don't stop in front of me.
I thought to myself standing close to the window in the hallway. I soon realised that they weren't going to keep walking and in fact were going to stop right I front of me, and there was nothing I could do about it now.

The trio stopped so Michaels trainers were touching the tips of my converse. I swallows, looking up at the boy towering above me. "Alright slut? How you doing?" Michael asked, calling me that name. I wasn't a slut. I hadn't slept with anyone. Just because I kissed one guy when I was really drunk, they though 'you know what's a great idea. Let's call her a slut'. Yer good one boys, really imaginative. A lot of thought went into that I can tell.
I didn't say anything back to them. I had nothing to say. David took ahold of my jumper and pushed me against the wall next to the window. "Bitch. Why don't you talking to me?" He growled.
A small group of people was gathering at this point, but it was also obvious to see the amount of people pretending it want going on, walking straight past, to save themselves from what was happening. "We'll answer him" Frank spat.
I tensed up. I didn't want to answer to them. So I didn't. I stood my ground, at least I tried while David was holding me slightly above the floor, and gave him a cold stare. "Whatever. Don't talk then." Was the last thing I heard from Michael before having my back slammed to the wall making the back of my head whack it in the proses.

David let go and I sank to the ground. Still contuse but feeling incredibly dizzy, my head throbbed like a beating drum being played on my brain. I held my head and looked up at them, keeping back the tears. My deathly stair held against David as he bent down in front of me. "So. Let's try again. How are yo-" He was cut off by an angry boy storming his way through the crowd of people.
"What the hell, Dave?" He shouted, anger surging through him.
Michael looked at Mark and shrugged. "She was being a dumb fuck, so we thought we should just coax some scenes into her." He said calmly.
Mark stared back at him, his eyes squinted and a confused look plastered across his face. "What? By slamming her against a wall. You could have really hurt her you idiots!" He shot back.
Frank just shrugged. "Serves her right. Slut." He muttered under his breath.
Needless to say, Mark herd what his friend said and proceeded to punch Frank in the face. "Just. Stop!" He warned them all. The three boys all scowled at Mark and walked away with hatred on every atom of their body.

"Everyone else can leave to. Don't you have classes to go to?" Mark announced still fuming.
I watched as the crowd dispersed and Mark turned to me. He knelt down to the floor, his face softening and eyes looking kind. "Are you alright? Stupid question, sorry." He back tracked shaking his head. He made me laugh slightly. "Here, I'll take you to the medical room." He held out his hand.
As I took it he stood up pulling me with him. "Thanks." I muttered quietly.
Mark lead me slowly down the hall. The bump on my head made me a bit disorientated so walking fast was not an option. But still, as we got closer to the room, Mark didn't let go of my hand. Not once. He held it tight, as though if he were to let go I would fall to the floor and need her back up.
"I'm so sorry about them. It's not right what they do. They need to grow up. I mean they are 17 not 9." He apologised.
I shrugged. "It's not your fault." I told him.
He sighed. "But I feel like it is because I'm supposedly friends with them. And your amazing. I don't want you getting hurt." He confessed.
I smiled.

We arrived at the medical room and he knocked on the door. "I should leave you here. I'm really sorry again." He spoke, looking down at the floor.
I had never seen him so shy before. "Thank you." I said as I pulled him into a hug. I didn't really care what he though of me. I just wanted a hug. But he returned it, heading his chin on my shoulder.
We pulled away and he looked into my eyes. "(Y/N). After you get checked over, if they say you are alright, do you want to go to the cafe? Maybe get a milkshake or hot chocolate or something? Just skip the rest of the day with me?" He asked hopefully.
I smiled wide and looked down at my shoes. "Sure. I'd love to. Can't wait to get out of here." I nodded looking back at him.
"I'll wait here then." He told me as I walked into the room.

The rest of the day was spent drinking hot chocolate and talking about everything and anything. It was the best.


I was going to use Jack, Bob and Wade as the bully's but I just couldn't. I laughed because they couldn't hurt a fly. (Ps. Neck Deep fans, find the Citizens of Earth reference) -A

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