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Before we get into it. A big thanks to Manan_Lives_on for such a beautiful cover for my story. I am so grateful for all of you guys ❤.


"but how can i marry her. I don't even love her. I love you" the guy said.
" I know baby but its an oppurtunity for us. Your company is at loss and we cant afford to lose this chance" the girl tried to make him understand.

"It's wrong. We cant play with such a pure relationship" The guy exclaimed.

"Think about us. You love me right? So please you have to do it for me; for us" the girl kept a hand on his shoulder.


" Are you ready? The priest is calling. It's almost time" his mother informed him.
" yeah. I am coming." he replied looking at himself for one last time in the mirror as he whispered to himself "Sorry. I know i shouldn't do this but i have to" apologizing the girl.


"My child? Do you really want to do this wedding? Are you sure because you are our princess and its your choice and we are not forcing you" her dad asked her calmly

" Its' not for you dad. It's actually for me cause i know he is the best guy i can get in my life. And i do love him for being so special" the girl replied making her dad proud of his beloved daughter.


What kind of story is it ? Who's gonna marry whom? It's a married life full of fun and surprises,  shocks but happiness too. Because they are mutually married.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now