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So i have planned something for this story. I want a suggestion from you people.

Should i put the wedding function parts explaining it or write according to the scenes even if it is not defining each function.

Nandini was finally done with her dinner and the family time, not that her family was annoying her that one is for sure they had been hell bent on teasing her over being a to be bride now since they had been video calling her cousins and other relatives lately but the other think that had been occupying her mind was Manik, the way that guy was hell bent on recieving an answer for the entire date thing earlier was intruding but now that storm had suddenly gone calm. That meant no texts or calls from him since he left her at the porch, no contact to ask for the answer since the deadline had already crossed away.

Nandini was at the lawn area working on her next presentation happeneing with one of the most important clients to her in that were flying from italy when she heard a cough behind her.

"Still not asleep kid" her dad enquired.

"Just felt like completing this presentation-" Nandini replied

" For the fifth time. I know kid this is important for you but stop being a workaholic and start acting like  a normal young girl. Don't give me that look, i know i was angry at you for declining your work over some Manik conspiracy before but that was because you've already been too distracted with this whole thing and i don't want you to forget your career, that's important too" her father said.

" I know dad but it's just, i want to get this whole career back on track because the kids at the orphanage need this, it's their project" Nandini argued.

" Yes but not at the cost of your own health so we'll close this laptop now and go to sleep. Am i clear?" he ordered.

" Yes captain see you tomorrow morning. Good night" she greeted him with a laugh.

" Good night kid" Nandini turned to leave when her dad called back again, " Nandini you do remember the dinner tomorrow right?" he asked.

"Yes dad i do"

" Your granny is going to love this surprise cause she still misses your mother alot and tomorrow is such a special day for her. It's your granny and paa's anniversary and after your paa she really needs this." he said in a soft voice to which Nandini nodded with a smile.

"I know that and i am gonna make it the best for her" she replied.

Nandini entered inside her room and decided to freshen up before she calls it a night, the party for tomorrow was all planned she had the best idea for the whole short and minimal event that included just the 6 members of this family. Her maternal aunt had finally after ages decided to show up and surprise her granny along with the other people. After her mom died the family hadn't been the same as before. Mentally ticking down the to do list she climbed under the comforters and switched off the lamp when she heard a knock at the bay window glass thinking of it to be a stormy night she decided to ignore it until the knock went frequent.

Removing the comforters she stepped down on the cold floor with a vase in her lamp, inching closer she decided on to shout and call her dad and cabir if it was some theif when she was shocked to watch the scene before her. Manik being a 6 foot tall guy was hanging from her balcony railing trying to pull up his body to the floor.

"Manik what the hell" Nandini screamed.

" shhh do you want me dead by your family or what" Manik shushed her.

" Have you lost it what are you doing here?" she asked more like a loud whisper of surprise.

"Just hanging around the park, what do you think idiot"Manik whispered back trying to pull himself up.

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