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The dawn arised as Manik woke up from his deep slumber by the constant ringing of his cell phone. Initially he tried to avoid it as he silent his cell hpone but eventually woke up with a groan.

"Hello. Who ever it is, it is way too early for my system to wake up." he spoke in a sleepy voice.

"Manik get up and meet me at the park in 15 minutes." came Nandini's reply jolting him up.

"Nandini? What?" Manik asked in a groggy voice, " It is 5'o clock in the morning, what do you plan to do this early?" he added.

"Manik you forgot! You promised me a day." Nandini complaint.

"Nandini but-" Manik tried to deny but Nandini was quicker than him.

"Manik." she spoke in a stern voice.

"Ohkay fine. I'll meet you there." Manik replied getting off his bed and heading for the washroom.

"Okay very good and your time starts now. Also wear something loose and comfortable. Please." Nandini informed him before bid him a goodbye.

Soon enough Manik came up to the park and saw Nandini all suited up in a grey jogger set with a high pony tail.

"Like seriously you called me here for jogging!" he patted her back informing her of his arrival.

"Oh a very good morning to you too Manik and yes i've called you here for a jogging spree. But there is something else too that i know you'll love for sure. Moreover your 24 hours are mine for today. Aren't they?"  Nandini greeted him.

"Fine" Manik replied groaning with a slumped shoulder.

They both started jogging as Manik lagged behind Nandini who was quite fast as if she owned the place and was a regular person. After sometime Manik got tired and he sat on a nearby bench.

"What Manik! Tired too soon." Nandini teased him standing infront of him. 

"Oh please. I am a very active person. I don't get tired so easily." Manik shrugged her off. 

"yeah we can definitely see how active you are." she taunted.

"Yes because it's time for push ups. Moreover you girls don't have to do a thing so how would you know. " Manik stood up not backing out from the fight.

"Okay then begin your push ups. Even i'll leran how to do them." Nandini folded her arms infront of her chest. Manik started doing push ups reluctantly even though he had been huffing from the jog. 

"Manik just accept it that you're tired even after a short jog. You don't have to act to be tough infront of me." Nandini bent down to his level.

"No i am not tired Nandini. I can even do pushups after getting you on my back. You see i have become a pro in that." he boasted as Nandini tried to control her laughter.

"Oh Really. Then let's see." Nandini spoke amidst her laugh as she quickliy sat on Manik's back while he got even more tired but still continued doing push ups while Nandini enjoyed it well.

"Looks like someone's getting tired." Nandini spoke leaning closer to his ear making him shudder.

"Oh shut up! It's nothing like that." Manik denied.

"Manik is a weak guy." nandini sang making herself comfortable on his back, "tch tch Manik i never knew this is how your Mr world personality got made." he added.

This was it as Manik rolled down Nandini so as if they were inches apart, their breathes lingering on each others faces. Manik was drownend in Nandini's eyes as always when they heard an elderly voice.

"Nandini my child! You're here!" Spoke an aged man.

Listening to his voice they quickly got up and cleaned their clothes as Nandini smiled at the elderly couple standing in front.

"Grandma how are you?" Nandini greeted the lady as they hugged each other.

"I am fit and fine as always. By the way you never told us that you've got yourself a boyfriend." Grandma spoke eyeing Manik.

"Oh no no not my boyfriend." Nandini denied as Manik spoke at the same time, "Defintely not my girlfriend."

"If that is the case then who are you? And what are you doing with my Nandini?" the elderly man asked with an intense gaze.

"My Handsome Man. This is Manik, my friend and business partner." Nandini introduced them, "And Manik this is Grandma's lovely husband, my Mr Handsome Man." she added.

"Lovely to meet you." Manik greeted the couple.

A"Uff i forgot to tell you. Nandini everyone is waiting for you.Come along." the women called her as she took Nandini by her hand.

"Come Manik." Nandini tagged Manik along with her.

"But where?" Manik asked in confusion.

"Just trust me." Nandini smiled as they reached to a group of elderly citizens who welcomed Nandini with all smiles and hugs while the femaled flirted with Manik.

"Okay since everyone's here then let's begin with her first session." Nandini announced. 

"But what are we going to do?" Manik pulling himself away from the ladies.

"oh yes i forgot this is our club and we'll begin with our first session that includes a laughing exercise. for that you just have to remember something that's really funny to you and just laugh your worries out." Nandini explaim.

"no no. I am not going to laugh like an idiot right at the centre of this park." Manik refused.

"Are you calling us idiot?" Nandini what boring person have you got here." one of the old man taunted.

"I am not boring." Manik fought back.

"Then prove us!" the man challeneged him.

"bring it on." Manik tried doing the exercise but felt wierd as the people around him gazed at them.

"Sorry but i can;t do this." Manik spoke moving out of the circle.

"Then we'll have to do exactly what we do with a boring person." Nandini spoke with a mischiveous smile.

"What do you-" before Manik could complete his sentence evryone looked at him with mischiveous grins and started tickling him. Manik had a hearty laugh and for the first time it felt really good. As if all her worries were fading away.

"enough! enougbi am tired." Manik spoke amidst his laughs trying to stop everyone.

"So how was it?" Nandini asked.

"One of the best experience of my life." Manik replied with a huge smile.

"See i told you. Now get back home and clean yourself up. And then we'll meet at the cafe for breakfast. I'll text you the address." Nandini told him.

"Nandini i do have a house and i can have my breakfats there." Manik laughed grabbing his phone fro the ground.

"Don't use your mind much and just do as i say. Meet me in 30 minutes" Nandini ordered him turning away to leave.

"Okay maa'am. Your order is my priority." Manik waved her off as he went in the opposite direction. And the 24 hours had just began.

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