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Book suggestion at the end. Hope you like it.

The dawn arised with a new mission for Nandini, she got dressed as fast as she could. Ofcourse she was meeting somebody really important today since that guy was going to complete her great puzzle regarding Manik Malhotra's life. She was in love with Manik and that was not hidden from anyone, not from that idiot too only if he could see it that clearly but today what she was going to do was not because she loved him but because she knew what it meant to loose the friends you love the most. We have all been through that phase in our life where we end up loosing a friend or two into misunderstandings but here it was something more rather than just a misunderstanding.

Nandini walked down the stairs, ofcourse she was determined but the only thing she was scared of was the people that cared about her. She was never too good with lies and her dad and hell even Cabir could see it through, she was damn transparent but she can't just walk in and say 'i am going to meet some guy whose going to help me uncover my fiance's past' , hell no. Cabir had already forbidden her from digging any deep let alone meet Dhruv without even him interrupting, also involving her dad was not a good idea even. She also can't lie of going for any meeting since Manik would be searching her today and will eventually contact her family. Thinking of a million possible scenarios that she could use, she walked down the stairs as her dad and Cabir greeted her at the breakfast table as the latter had a look of suspision, he definitely wants to know if she called Dhruv or not.

"Good Morning Princess." greeted her father.

"Morning dad, cabir!" she acknowledged the both of them.

"Good morning, you are early today." Cabir asked with a smirk as if he knew everything but even she was his best friend.

"Even i was gonna ask the same thing, any important meeting?" her father too asked.

"Yes and no both!" her answer was pretty safe.

"As in?" her father gave her a confused look.

"Dad you remember my economics project friend at college, Christine?" Nandini moved her plan in action.

"Maybe. why?"

"She landed here last night and wants me to meet her and help her with a some work. So i was just meeting her for breakfast now." Nandini tried to make it as realistic as she could.

"I've never heard that name!" Cabir was quick to respond as if trying hard to catch her in her own lie.

"That's because we were just project partners not really friends. " Nandini tried to get away with the interrogation.

"So why are you going to help her now." damn he was good.

"Cabir stop being a detective, let her help if she wants." Thank God that fathers are always to the rescue.

"Thanks Dad, she really needs my help to put back the puzzle of her work. So i'll take your leave now. Goodbye." Nandini wanted to get out of that place as fast as she could.

"You'll be back by dinner right? We have the Malhotra's coming in for dinner tonight." her father informed.

"Yes, i will be. i promise." Nandini turned to leave when Cabir stopped her at the main door.

"Nandini" she shut her eyes clearly afraid to be caught.

"Yeds Cabir? You want me to get something for you?" she asked trying to act normal.

" Are you sure you are going to meet your friend. you're not lying to us right?" woah that came out way too fast, she thought as she could literally feel Cabir's suspicious burning eyes on her.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now