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Manik gave a quick heads up to Nandini on text as soon as he reached her home. Nandini came running out as if sneaking, wait sneaking, why? She quickly came and got inside his car.

"woah woah why is it looking like you are sneaking out?"Manik asked.

"because I am idiot" Nandini replied in a duh voice.

"but why? Remember I am your fiance not your boyfriend that you've been hiding from your dad" Manik said.

"But it's fun I always wanted to do this" Manik gave a light chuckle at her drama and drove out.

"So if may I ask where are we going?" he asked after a few minutes into driving.

"Just drive Manik it's a surprise you'll get to know soon" Nandini said as she kept looking at her GPS to make sure that they were on right path.

"Okay if it's movies I know the best place. " Manik said looking around his surroundings.

"nope not a movie." her answer was simple as she was still engrossed on figuring out the path.

"oh then maybe dinner?" he tried his luck again.

"Nope not that too." she replied in an instant.

"so maybe-" Manik was now getting very anxious about the place but Nandini shushed him.

"Manik I am not telling you where we are going so don't even try." she said making him focus back on the road.

"OKAY" came his grumpy reply.

Manik had been driving straight for the past 20 minutes without a single word exchanged.

"okay where are we even going?" he asked clearly fed up of her directions.

"stereotypes" said Nandini all of a sudden.

"what?" asked a confused Manik.

"Manik you're behaving like a kid and people say that girls are the most over annoying and poking" she crossed her arms as if stating some facts which she actually was.

"I am not poking it's just I am always the one who planned a date." he said.

"Let's say your life is changing it's events and it will always be a two way lane from now on." Manik was speechless, he had no idea what to reply, with Alya he was always the one working his ass off to make her feel special and happy with jewellery, expensive dates or either shopping sprees. Never had he ever thought that a relationship is a responsibility of both the people involved. His thoughts were halted when he heard Nandini nudging him from beside.

"Where are you lost sir? We are here just turn right and park" Manik just shook his head with a small smile and did as Nandini told him to. Both got out of the car as the place looked like a ordinary building.

"What's in here?" Manik questioned confused.

"Just my small gathering place for fun" Nandini smiled and lead the way while Manik followed.

Entering the place Manik was confused the place on the ground floor was jacked up with people in groups on different tables playing, SNOOKER. A snooker date that's just so what he never could have thought of.

"SNOOKER seriously." he said looking around as Nandini made her way.

"What you don't like it or is it that you've never played before." asked Nandini raising her brow.

" oh please I just never thought this could be a late night date idea." he just shrugged his shoulders in return.

"It can just watch me" Nandini walked ahead and people greeted her, scarp the word weird from before, this was weird. Just when Manik thought he was getting used to this, a girl of same age as them walked up to Nandini hugging the shit out of her.

"I missed you girl" she spoke.

" I was here waiting for you at my engagement to be precise." Nandini hugged her back.

"Sorry babes I was just on a trip somewhere." the other one gave her a small smile as they detached themselves.

"Typical Alice." Nandini nudged her by her side.

"ya ya so where's that hot fiance of yours"asked Alice.
Manik was so lost in the entire scene that he didn't realized when nandini walked up to him with Alice and sneaked her hand in his arm.

"Alice meet Manik and Manik this is Alice. My best friend from university" Nandini introduced them.

"Hi Alice." Manik greeted her.

"Hot fiance Nanz." complimented Alice with a whistle.

Talk about Manik being AWKWARD.

"Thank you Alice so what is this place?" Manik scratched his neck in awkwardness.

"A club for kids like us who work their profession in day and snooker partners at night"Alice replied.

"Alice is an accountant in day and club owner at night." Nandini butted in the conversation.

" So I'll let you guys to play. It was nice meeting you Manik" Alice went away waving them a small bye among the crowd somewhere.

"So ready to get your ass beaten"Nandini said taking her place.

"we'll see that" Manik replied.

It was in no time that they were engrossed in game, well Nandini was but Manik, well all he was doing was playing like an idiot because his whole mind was revolving around her. She looked serene like having a new side to her personality each day. She couldn't be compared to anyone because she was well unique from him but most importantly inexplanable. Every time she came beside him all into her game his heart beated rapidly faster than normal.

And at the end well he LOST.

"Loser" Nandini screamed at him jumping up and down.

"Just your luck and also I haven't played in a long time."Manik tried to reason well no guy accepts defeat no matter what.

"Excuses excuses" Nandini laughed.

Manik was about to give a reply back when Alice came running

"Nanz you need to run, get out of here okay" The girls exchanged a look and Nandini took Manik's hand running out of the back door.

"Wait why are we running" Manik asked resisting.

"Just run for now okay" Manik did as she said but not because he understood but for what her hand in his felt and the way she was literally dragging him out, he was lost AGAIN.

Soon enough both were in Manik's car driving back home as it was late and past Nandini's sneaking time.

"So care to explain why we were running." he asked gasping for breath.

"of course you don't want to get caught by police at an illegal forged place." Manik applied brake pushing Nandini ahead all thanks to the seat belt now.

"What police? what illegal?" Manik threw his questions.

"Okay okay, we kind of hijacked that building space for the club and it is illegal since the owner isn't aware." Nandini explained the scenario to him.

"why would you guys do that? Are you nuts" Manik exclaimed.

"firstly that guy is never in town so we thought why not utilize the space he took over on earth." she shrugged in reply.

"that is no excuse." Manik was way beyond confused now.

"and secondly no one allows such clubs to work late at night until they are typical clubs and pubs and specially if a girl runs it. They get the wrong idea, we tried but then it was of no use so we used the place." Nandini answered as if it was nothing big but for Manik it was.

"Oh god Nandini what do I do with you." he laughed not being able to make sense of the situation.

"Marry me." she said.

"oh that I will." saying so Manik drove off and dropped Nandini back home as she sneaked back inside her house.

The date was somewhat unexpected but much needed since the next days were gonna be last of their bachelor life.

And here the marriage ride begins. Tighten up the seat belts.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now