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Nandini opened her cell only to find a text from Manik which read:
" I was never perfect but after i met you i became a little better.  Thank you for coming into my life and making me happy.  Thank you for marking me as your's and i promise to be with you and your's forever.  Will you allow me to make a day special for you.
Meet me at Rainbow Hotel at sharp 9 pm.  Will be waiting for you to brighten up the night.
Your's Manik"
A big smile adorned her face as she re-read his text. Manik was trying to give them a beautiful relationship ahead and for that he had put a foot forward to give them a beautiful start. She liked this gesture, maybe loving each element of it too.
She got up from her bed and started jumping up and down dancing on her own beats when suddenly the alarm clock  fell down.
To hide her embarressment she quickly laid down hiding under the blanket and put down her phone with a beautiful smile on her face to get ready for the next day. Marking this day off with her eyes closed, she wished for the best day tomorrow.

On the other hand Alya too did a happy dance watching the text on her cell phone. She was finally getting what she wanted, a big fashion photoshoot project amid the islands. She quickly packed her bags and slept early so as to stay awake fresh the next day.

In Malhotra Mansion Manik was pacing back and forth with his cell phone between his ears. He had to prepare well for the next day, it was after long he was doing something for Alya and he wanted that to be perfect and a beautiful surprise for her. He quickly set an alarm to wake up early to check upon all the arrangements and complete all his office work on time.


The next day marked it's presence with bright sunlight entering inside the households. Nandini prepared the breakfast with the housekeepers when her dad came at the dining table all ready for office.
"Nandini get ready please or else we'll be late for office." her father shouted.
"Yes dad. I just have to pack all of this." Nandini came out running as she grabbed a box.
"Is it something special today?" her father asked being confused of the entire commotion.
"Umm why do you think that?" nandini tried hiding her excitement.
"I mean too many delicacies on the table. Not caring about healthy oils or sugar. It's definitely something special." her father rubbed in palms setting down for his breakfast.
"Nothing like that Dad. It's just-" Nandini looked anywhere but him.
"Dad Manik wants to take me out for dinner tonight." Nandini spoke in a single breathe.
"that's good. I think it will be a nice opportunity for you kids." her father replied munching on the delicacies.
"you don't have a problem with that?" Nandini asked.
"Nandini! Don't think me of those traditional fathers please. I don't have any problem in this. To be honest i am happy that Manik is trying to know you because all this is really new to you guys. You guys met one day and next day we're talking about your wedding. So it's a good thing." her father said to her.
"Thank you dad." nandini hugged her father, " I think we should leave now or we'll get late." she added picking a toast for herself.
"Who needs to leave?" her father asked munching on the food.
"You and me ofcourse." Nandini spoke being confused.
"Nope. Not you. Only i am going. You'll go to the parlor to get ready. Also go and buy a new outfit for tonight." her dad's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Dad's its just a dinner." Nandini laughed.
"I know. I know. But you kids do tat nowadayas right. that first dinner date thing. Afterall Mr Manik Malhotra should know how lucky he is." Her father chirped.

In Malhotra Mansion Manik walked down the stairs all ready preferably on cloud nine right now. He felt like the sky was the best shade today and everything was either beaming or positive.
"Manik sir breakfast?" the housekeeper asked.
"No thank you uncle. I am already quite late today and there is alot of work that needs to be done." He replied wearing his watch.
"Atleast have some juice?" the housekeeper insisted.
"Okay. give me that." Manik shaked his head grabbing the glass and finishing it off in a jiffy.
"Manik sir. Please have some food too. It won't take long." the keeper requested.
"Sorry uncle. I really can't. I have to leave. Bye." Manik waved the elder men off and dashed out of the house.
"Mr Ashok. Don't get stressed. You little Manik isn't a kid anymore. He can take care of himself." Mr Malhotra laughed as he joined the old man in the hall.
"But he wasn't even late today? He's never this early for work?" Neyonika spoke.
"because your son is going on his first date with his soon to be wife." Mr Malhotra smiled.
"really? That's great. atleast they'll get to know each other well before the wedding." Neyonika replied handling Mr Malhotra his morning newspaper.

Manik entered the office premises happily and laughing. Everyone was in 'aww' with his new vibe. He bid a hello to every person he met on his way and entered his cabin.
"I think i should talk to Alya first." he grabbed his phone to call her but decided against it, "No. Or else she'll keep on asking about the surprise."

Alya was checking in for her flight when she thought of calling Manik and letting him know about her plans but decided not to, "No No. If i'll call him then he'll interrogate me with hsi 100 questions. And i won't be able to work. I'll call him once i reach there and then i'll make some sort of an excuse as to why i couldn't infom him before."

The day was going to be a blast for the three of them. Destiny smiled watching them happy in their sweet enthusiastic bubble until it burst with the reality.

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