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Nandini reached home but was welcomed by silence. Cabir wasn't home yet from his movie date while her dad had a lot many meetings lined up for the day being the owner of the prestigious company. Martha the maid brought water for her and told her that there was someone waiting up to meet her. Nandini climbed up the stairs to her room only be welcomed by Manik's presence, who sat waiting for her.

"Oh  it's you. I thought it's someone else." she spoke keeping her bag on the table.

"yeah it's me. Seems like you are not happy. " Manik said with a straight face.

"I thought you went for the movie well forget it you here so you want somethin?" she asked not paying enough attention to him.

"Yes i do." Manik answered.

"Okay so tell me what is it that you want?" she asked.

"You really are not into this wedding right?" Manik asked.

"Look Manik i have told you-" listening to his question Nandini turned to face him.

"I know. I know that second choice stuff but just answer me in a yes or no." he asked again.

"If you just have me then yes but if i am an option then no." she replied with a shrug.

"Option. Option. Option forget it Nandini." he snapped back this time clearly annoyed with her constant replies.

"Why should i forget it Manik." Nandini too raised her voice.

"Oh Nandini stop being so innocent even i am an option to you right. Then what is the problem? Moreover it's was an arrange marriage and you were ready for it." he said. 

"Manik you are not an option and even i deserve love. You never wanted to get married to me in the first place then why now? Specially if it is just some arrange marriage for you." Nandini had enough of his drama and constant nagging.

"See again your 'i don't know' anything face. Nandini i saw you at the mall with that guy and it's fine if i am some choice to you which your dad gave." he stated as a matter of fact.

"Oh so you saw me and exactly what i was doing which made you think like this." she asked in a sarcastic tone.

"That's not the point Nandini. You know what you be with any guy i don't care, you get that!" Manik pointed his finger at her.

"Ofcourse why would you care about it and if that is the case then get lost from my room but not a word against me or anyone i am with." she warned him.

"Woah possessive, right miss Nandini Singhania.  You know what i'll do you a favour because i am calling off this wedding." he declared.  

"Fine you can do anything you want. Now leave." Nandini replied non-chalantly pointing at the door.

"I will and you'll regret this." Manik went out angrily while Nandini broke down in tears onto the floor. "Why Manik? Why couldn't you just trust me? You are not an option Manik Malhotra! You are not but no you couldn't trust me just once. You could have just asked me patiently and clamly but no you can't even do that." she wiped her face not wanting to cry over such a sick man ever in her life again. 

On the other hand Manik angrily strolled down towards the gate when he banged into someone, it was the same guy he saw with Nandini at the mall. 

"Are you blind? " he spoke in anger.

"Woah bro relax. It was an honest mistake." the guy put his hands up in defence.

"Honest mistake. You have made the worst mistake of your life." Manik murmured to himself.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now