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Nandini woke up in the hotel room bound on a chair while Jake stood before her. She could feel her heart pounding as panic roze inside her body.

"What the hell Jake?" she tried to free herself from the bands.
"Nandini! Nandini! Why are you soo caring and naive that you came here all by yourself!" Jake laughed.
"Because i am not a fuckin coward and cheat liek you." she snapped back.
"tch tch Nandini you know if i want then i can do anything with you. ANd by anything i mean anything and everything." he smirked.
"Don't you dare!" Nandini warned him trying to wriggle away.
"Yes! Ofcourse i won't because you are my best friend and also because i love you-" Jake started to speak when Nandini stopped him.
"Jake ! Don't"
"ofcourse not! I love your money and not you. What do you think of me and you know what Nandini, God maybe made me an orphan, a begger who always hated people like you who were born with a silver spoon but now i'll be a rick man too." He ran a finger over her cheek and continued to speak, " Also didn't i calmly asked you both to give me the money but no you both wanted to open your own small ridiculous business. If only you both had listened to me then we won't be here right! We could have been enjoying together like old times but no you guys are soo selfish."
"Jake please don't do this at least think about your kid." Nandini requested him.
"It's not my kid for god's sake. Please go and ask your stupid friend how many men she had wrapped around her little finger. Could be one of those." Jake replied clearly annoyed.
"Just shut up Jake!" she snapped back not able to hear any bad words for her best friend.
"Okay! Relax. Don't rile up. I promise i won't say anything more now. Because i'll just simply bind you up here and leave like a good silent guy. Good bye Nandini." saying so Jake went away locking Nandini. An hour later when the hotel staff went in to clean the room after his check out, they found Nandini tied up to the chair so they quickly released her as she called her family and explained to them everything. The police was called who searched for Jake everywhere but in vain since he had already vanished.


"That karan just used us." by the end of the story Nandini had her eyes closed with stears streaming down her face remembering the ungrateful day. Watching her so upset Manik's grip over the steering wheel tightened.
"How dare he!!!!  I wont leave him." he spat in anger banging his hand over the wheel.
"Forget it Manik! I don't want Samaira and Aisha to be in some kind of a danger. Samaira has already gone through alot to survive." Nandini looked out of the window.
"Nandini i promise i'll do everythng needed for Aisha and Samaira." Manik spoke with honesty as he kept a hand on her hers.
"Thank you." Nandini gave him a small smile.
"Hey no need to be formal since they are my friends too now. Your friends, my friends, equal." he stroked his thumb over her hand trying to calm her down.
"Is it?" luckily it worked and Nandini chuckled.
"Yes ma'am. Now can we go back and have our breakfast or brunch whatever it is now" Manik requested as his stomach growled with hunger.
"Oh no i am so sorry because of me you-" Nandini apologized but Manik shushed her up.
"Not your fault. Moreover today was well quite a heavy day and memorable too but now let's get back to out food. At the cafe or do you wanna go anywhere else?" he asked.
"No. Samaira will get distressed again. Let's go to Uncle's place." Nandini replied.
"Now who's uncle?" Manik chuckled.
"You drive, i'll give you the directions." Nandini shook her head as she opened the gps for Manik's sake.
"Fine but by the way how the hell have you created so many relatives in this city in such a short span of time?" Manik joked. 
"Too many and trust me you won't be able to count." Nandini pouted.
"popular people" manik just rolled his eyes and followed the gps to the desired place. Soon enough they reached a small road side caravan selling rolls.

"Here?" Manik asked.
"Yes just tag along" Nandini got out of the car as Manik shook his head in amusement. Nandini went and got two rolls for them to have.
"We could have eaten it at a different cafe too. You know that right?" Manik spoke grabbing his share.
"Yes but not like this." Nandini jumped on the car's bonnet and sat comfortably on it.
"Nandini get down or you'll slip." Manik got worried.
"nothing will happen. trust me." she replied and soon Manik too sat beside her as they both ate their breakfast or probably a brunch in fun and laughter. Manik paid for the food and soon enough they both left the place.

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