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Manik got back home only to find Alya and his parents waiting for him at the hall.

"What are you guys doing up so late? Alya where were you?" he asked adressing them individually.
"Where was i? I can ask you the same Manik, where were you?" Alya got up running upto him eventually getting ignored by Manik as walked towards his father settling down on the sofa.
"Why aren't you asleep? You must have had a tiring day at the office." Manik asked him grabbing the glass of water the butler got. 
"Where were you son and why was your phone switched off?" Mr Malhotra looked concern making Manik pull out his phone from the jeans pocket as he switched it on.
"Sorry dad but this Nandini. She just-" Manik spoke before alya intervened.
"Nandini?" she asked being surprised.
"You were with Nandini? But you weren't even in office today. Both of you?" Neyonika asked.
"Yeah actually today me and her, we both were out forthe day. She asked me for one and i agreed. And being a pretty strict person who enjoys ' in the moment' so we had a strict rule of 'no office' and 'no phone' today. " Manik laughed explaining to his family.
"Thank God atleast someone was able to keep you away from work. Even if it was for a day." his father laughed along.
"Dad you won't belive! This girl is completely crazy!" Manik exclaimed showing his hands in the air.
"Yes and i can understand that simply by the look on your face . That huge smile on your face is telling us all your excitement. So now that you are back home and safe. I think i can go to bed now." his father spoke getting up along with Neyonika.
"Yes. You do have an early meeting tomorrow." Neyonika spoke patting his back.
"then i'll take your leave from here so you and your friend, Alya, here can talk all about your amazing and adventurous day." his father spoke eyeing Alya as he left the place.
"Good Night Dad" Manik bid him for the night before turning to face Alya.

"Why were you with that Nandini today? I tried to call you so many times but your cell was switched off." Alya spoke as soon as the elder couple was out of sight but Manik ignored Alya as he got up to leave for his room. 

"Manik stop ignoring me!" Alya shouted loud enough for just him to hear.
"Am i?" Manik snapped back, " Alya, i should be asking YOU that question. Shouldn't i? Where the hell were you?"
"Manik actually i got a project and-" she tried to ease the situation only to fire it up by her answer.
"And you didn't even bother telling me?" Manik gave an angry laugh.
"You could have been concerned and-"
"Enough Alya! Enough! I had planned a surprise for you. Do you even realise that but no you just spoilt it. The entire thing!" he pulled her by her arm.
"I know and i am sorry for that but Manik, i promise you we'll go out again." she tried coo him with her soft voice.
"It wasn't just an outing Alya. You don't know how much i had worked to plan that perfect dinner, with the perfect song and a perfect-" he stopped suddenly not able to say it.
"Perfect?" Alya asked.
"A perfect engagement ring." Manik looked down keeping a distance between them.
"Really! Where is it now? Show me! I'll wear it rifht now" Alya got excited.
"Its not with me now! It's with Nandini." he looked anywhere but her.
"What the hell Manik! But it's not hers! That bitch, she thinks she can just-" Alya screamed grabbing her phone to call Nandini when Manik stopped her.
"Don't! You've already done enough Alya. Not a word against Nandini. It's with her because it belongs to her. She was exactly where you were supposed to be but forget it. Look i am really tired so i need to sleep. You can leave now." He spoke showing her the door.
"No Manik i won't. That is mine and you know that too." she denied standing her ground.
"Alya i said leave! And keep Nandini out of this" Manik warned her.
"But Manik!" she cribbed like a kid.
"ALYA I SAID LEAVE." and that was the last string for Manik.

Alya went away while Manik went back to his room and fell on his bed remincing the whole day. It felt so lightened and happy today like old times., those school times , thinking about it he went off to sleep to mark the end for the day. The next day Manik woke up only to find lots and lots of missed calls from Alya, for once, he thought of calling her back but he suddenly got a text from Nandini.


Sorry will be late to office, dad got a check up today. Will try to be there as soon as i can.


It's ok just text me about uncle's reports and if there is any problem then call me. :)

Manik freshened up and reached office. As he entered the cabin, he saw someone waiting for him
"Someone said she was going to be late today!" Manik spoke thinking it to be Nandini.
"I can never be late for you." came her reply as Alya turned to reveal herself.
"Alya what are you doing here?" Manik asked folding his hands infront of his chest he added, " Didn't you have a project to attend to today."
"Manik i told you i am sorry. It was my dream project and you know how important it was for me." Alya spoke in a soft voice coming closer to him.
"Ofcourse very important to you. Even more than me." Manik gave sarcastic remark.
"No Manik it's not like that." Alya came ahead as she took Manik's face in her palms, "Manik please let me make it up to you." she requested.

"Alya" Manik took a deep breathe when they suddenly heard a click sound. Worried of someone's arrival he distanced him from her as Nandini walked in.

"Sorry Manik the doctor took a bit long and-" she started speaking engrossed in her pone when her eyes looked up to meet Alya's, " Umm oh hey Alya." she greeted her.
"Alya." Alya replied clearly annoyed.
"Oh Hi Nandini. How's uncle?" Manik asked turing the room vibe.
"Perfectly fit and fine. There's nothing to worry about since it was just a normal regular check up. But if you are busy. I can wait in my cabin." Nandini answered.
"Yes" Alya spoke in an instant when Manik picthed in, "No Alya was just leaving. She just dropped in to say hi."
"Oh so i'll bring the blue print ok." Nandini went away as Manik faced Alya again.
"What the hell Manik! Why didn't you tell her to stay away." Alya threw a fit in anger.
"Enough Alya. I've said this before, not a word against her. Please go i have work to be done." Manik walked past her as he grabbed a bunch of files and started looking through them in order to avoid further talks.
"Fine. Do what you want!" Alya replied stomping her foot and getting out of the office but soon bumped into Nandini.

"Excuse me." Alya snapped.

"Okay" Nandini gave her a wierd look as Alya walked away. Entering Manik's office she giggled at what happened as she addressed Manik, "Is something wrong with her?"

"No why?" Manik got nervous.
"No. She was just being wierd." Nandini shrugged her shoulders rolling open the plan on his table.
"Can we get back to work?" Manik spoke avoiding the topic.
"Ofcourse." Nandini replied as she started explaining him details.

Alya sat inside her car simply annoyed with the day's outcomes, "I am not going to get you away with this Nandini Because no one takes what's mine and no one takes my place. I promise to remind you that soon." she thought.

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