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Manik and Nandini shuffled among Nandini's well stacked collection of classic movies. Even though Manik was more of a sci-fi or action movie person, he still couldn't bring himself to walk over Nandini's puppy face. Hence they evntually, partially decided on 'A Walk To Rember' , one of the most classics.
"You sure about this like we really have much more options." Manik tried to change her decision, " You know we can watch Fast And Furious or best, we can picky any marvel movies?" he tried his luck.
"Nopes. It's decided and we are gonna watch A Walk To Remmeber. Moreover it's one of my favourites. I love Landon and Jamie." Nandini hugged the remote to herself with a pout.
"Okay" Manik eventually gave into her demands as he got up to leave, "So i'll get us some popcorns. Anything to drink?" he asked
"Soda please." Nandini replied setting up the movie on the big screen.

A little while later Manik came back with a tub of popcorns and 2 soda cans as he made himself comfortable beside her.
"Hey! That's not fair. You should have waited for me." he complained like a kid as Nandini grabbed the popcorns.
"Sorry your bad." she replied shrugging her shoulders.
The movie moved further while they got engrossed in watching it. Nandini would throw some 'aww' or 'oooh' somewhere here and there that made Manik chuckle as he watched her with utmost attention rather than the screen.

"Manik do you believe in love?." Nandini asked him all of a sudden still engrossed in the graveyard scene.
"Ofcourse i do." even though he was a taken aback but composing himself, Manik answered her question.
"Ohkay then how much are you in love with Alya." she asked not moving her gaze from the screen even for a second as Jamie and Landon sat on the little blanket.
"What do you mean?" to say that Manik was surprised would be an understatement, he felt terrified.
"You thought i am a fool." Nandini spoke finally turning to face him with a cold glare.
"Nandini, i had no idea how to-" Manik stammered but got confused when Nandini started laughing. 
"Damn look at your face. Chill i am not angry or something, i just need an answer." she replied gulping down some soda.
"Nandini actually-"
"Stop stammering like i am your principal and just honestly answer my question." she spoke shrugging her shoulders.
"Ask me?" Manik straightened his figure as Nandini paused the movie.
"Why did you agree to marry me?" she got straight to the point. To be honest she didn't care if he loved Alya or not but what mattered was if it was true then why the hell did he agree to marry her.
"Nandini i truly don't know how to explain this." Manik looked down unable to meet her gaze.
"Look Manik if i've ever learnt something in my life about love then that is to never let your love take a back seat. If you are doing this for uncle then i am ready to call it off, it's fine, we are still not engaged or anything. " Nandini made him look up.
"I know Nandini but-"
"Is it because you don't like me?" she asked with a slight quiver in her voice.
"No!" Manik held her face between his palms, " Ofcourse not! That's not the truth, trust me. I like you. I really do. You are just prefect." Manik came closer.

 "So you do love Alya. Don't you?" she pulled back unsure of her own self control.
"yes i do." he finally admitted.
"So why do you wanna marry me Manik." she let a tear drop to the floor, " I can't marry someone who loves someone else ohkay. I can't" she got up trying hard not to strain her ankle.
"I know and i am sorry for everything." Manik got up too holding her hand so she won't fall.
"Don't be. I know how it feels because even i loved someone once." she created some distance between them before settling back on the sofa.
"You did?" Manik asked as he felt a little pang of pain in his heart.
"Kind of a high school love but forget it we are talking about you here and not me." she wiped her tear looking up at him.
"Nandini, me and Alya, we have been dating since a few years now and i know i love her but i don't know why even with you it feels right." Manik let his emotions control the conversation this time.
"Which is not right Manik. Maybe it's because you love and care but maybe Alya lacks that. So what you feel is negligence which has made you attracted towards me." Nandini explained him in simple words.
"no Nandini, i do know that she does care about me and loves me. It's just not her style to show and-"
"I think we should call it off." she spoke in a serious tone this time.
"I don't know. dad might-"
"feel hurt? Manik it's your life and your decision. Don't let anyone take it and ruin so many lives."
"I know. But how did you get to know this?" he finally addressed the elephant in the room.
"I have known it since day one. All of this about you and alya and about me out of no where tripping off from the stairs. Not confirmed but i had a feeling about you two." she confessed.
"You tripped because of her." manik felt surprised but mostly anger.
"that's not the point. The point is what do you want? I have always wanted to know. I know i got a bit selfish you know trying to put off love between the two of us but i guess it could never be there. It's not something that can be forced." she spoke with a sad smile.
"I am sorry Nandini. I really am. I don't know how to express what i feel about you. You are just that one person who got the real Manik out of me, i can't leave you." Manik replied in frustration sitting down on the floor with his head in his palm.
"But you love Alya and we still can be friends forever.' Nandini roamed her fingers in his hair to calm him down. 
"I am sorry Nandini." Manik spoke in a broken voice.
"Hey stop apologizing. You know what Manik love is what keeps you bounded, don't leave it ever. Landon in the movie said, 'Maybe you're just too scared that someone might actually want to be with you.' And if you are still so confused then go home and focus on what you feel is true and good for you. About me, i am fine and i will be, trust me. I'll call off the wedding and give some excuse so no one's gonna ask you. " she smiled at him, a genuine one.
"I won't hide behind you." Manik denied.
"No you are not."
"Nandini could you help me one last time?" Manik asked holding her hand.
"Ofcourse. Anything."
"Could you please wait for tomorrow morning. If i don't come to you then you can talk to your dad. I just dont want to loose you and regret about it. Because you are special to me." he requested.
"I will appreciate that but Manik just remember one thing. I don't take up someone's love beause i know how it feels to loose someone you love and spcially when someone else takes it away from you, it hurts." she agreed as Manik got up to leave.
"Thank you Nandini for understanding me." Manik offered her a small smile and turned to leave but stopped as Nandini called him.

"The movie is not over yet. You still have to cry for Jamie." she joked.
"I have a decision to make so just wait for me. Will you?" he asked standing by the door.
"I will and i hope this time it's the truth because i am not up for anymore lies." she nodded her head in a yes.
"I know and i am sorry." saying so Manik went out inside his car and ignited off. In the mansion Nandini increased the volume of the tv and shedded tears crying for the second love she lost. Maybe there was someone else out there for her. 

The dawn definitely had her destiny and future in its hand.


A Walk To Remember will always be a very special movie to me. I love Landon and Jamie.

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