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Manik turned around to get the worst shock of his life, there stood Nandini all dolled up before him, for once he forgot the surroundings and was all messed up with slow songs playing in the background and his eyes twinkling like that of a 9 year old does while looking at their favorite ice cream. Nandini's answer brought him back to the real world and he blinked his eyes just to make sure he was dreaming while Nandini spoke further, "Manik i never knew you would do this. It is all just-  just so perfect. Thank you Manik for giving it a chance, for giving us a chance. Manik i can't thank you enough  for doing this. " 

"Nandini" Manik spoke in daze.

"yes Manik. I am listening." Nandini stepped closer to him.

"Nandini actually all this.. this... me... you." Manik stumbled with his words.

"yes Manik. By the way i never knew you could be soo good at being romantic. I must say i am impressed." Nandini smiled even though she too was beign giddish about everything. 

"yes ofocurse. i did this- for. for You. Right. I hope you liked it." he stammered turning towards the sea shore.

"Ofcourse Manik. Is that even a question to ask? To be honest initially i was quite taken aback when you had sent me that text." Nandini spoke.

"Text? What text?" Manik was confused.

"the one where you invited me to meet me here? You don't remember?" she answered. Manik checked his phone and mentally slapped his forehead. How could he be so stupid? Sending the text to both Nandini and Alya! What if Alya too came? It would definitely been a dead day for him. He quickly called up Alya but she didn't picked it up when Nandini interrupted, "Manik? Is there a problem?" she asked being concerned.

"Ofcourse not." Manik kept his phone back.

"By the way the answer to your question is yes!" Nandini smiled at him.

"What?" Manik zoned out.

"Yes Manik i will marry you." Nandini went and hugged him in happiness. Manik was stunned for a moment but then hugged her back in order to not make the situation any more awkward.

They sat down on the chairs with a table in between and soon entered the delicasies Manik had set up for the night. All yummy mouth watering dishes. Manik helped Nandini plating her food and both started eating in silence until Nandini was the one to break the silence.

"Manik are you sure everything's okay? I mean you're way too silent today.  Is there a problem with me? My hair or dress?" Nandini asked checking herself.

"No no Nandini you look beautiful tonight just like a fairy from a dreamland. This color really suits you." Manik complimented her with a smile.

"And wine color suits you too." she giggled that made Manik bluch a bit.

"Woah i never knew you could blush too." Nandini teased him.

"Oh shut up i am not. But definitely you are looking all pink pink." Manik turned the tables on her.

"That's called blush which is actually applied as a make up product. Dumbo," she smirked.

"Yeah yeah. How would i know. I am not a girl please." Manik shurgged off not knowing what ti reply.

"ofcourse" Nandini laughed, "By the way the food's great." she spoke after a minute.

"I know it's Alya's favorite." Manik replied immenced in the conversation.

"what?" asked a confused Nandini.

"I mean Alya helped me choose the menu. I hope you liked it." he covered up his mess.

"yes extremely delicious." Nandini took another bite.

Suddenly a worker came up to Manik informing about his other surprise element to be ready.

"what's ready?" Nandini asked.

"Nothing." Manik denied as he tried waving off the waiter.

"Say na Manik? Is it another surprise?" Nandini asked with enthusiasm.

"yes a surprise." Manik nodded his head.

"So definitely more surpises?" Nandini was astonished.

"yes" Manik spoke with a smile as he thought, "Which wasn't meant for you but if you are here i cant't make you sad by telling you the truth." to himself.

"Okay so let's see how good is your surprise." Manik took Nandini by the beach and made her stand beside him.

"Manik but you've already done enough. You really didn't have to." Nandini tried to deny when suddenly the lone beach was lit up with small candles around and a heart shaped space in between as a slow music tuned up.

 (Playlist- Perfect)
"May i?" Manik held out his hand for her to take in to which Nandini happily agreed as they hummed and moved slowly to the tune together. Nandini could feel her cheeks heat up by the way Manik looked at her. The dance began much earlier, it had begun with quiet conversation and the touch of a hand, easy smiles and that unspoken word of friendship without judgment. They felt and took pleasure in a soft stroke on herr neck and fingertips running down her back.


The music began suddenly, he grabbed my hand firmly as we began to move to the rythm. It was a paradise , and even more so when our eyes met. His eyes, were a warm chocolate color , they caused my knees to buckle and my lips to quiver slightly. He slightly narrowed his eyes, and let out a small chuckle. As he leaned in down, closer to my lips but not touching. I could feel my cheeks burning and knew i was blushing hard on the outside. His smile only grew bigger.

We danced together. Our bodies close ; with his hands still grasping mine. This was perfect, i was with the one i loved. It felt like the song lasted forever, yet i never got tired from it. The sound even went a little more slower , the lights slowly fading away."


They were humming slowly to the song when suddenly they heard a loud sound. Manik showed Nandini the sky which was now lit up by fire crackers. Nandini was in tears by then as she turned and hugged Manik feeling overwhelmed by his gestures. Manik was too engrossed in the hug while Nandini felt something in his pocket. 

"Manik what's this?" she asked.

"Nothing." Manik detached themselves.

"What is it? Show me?" she insisted. Manik slowly took out a box from his pocket showing it to be a ring. It was a princess cut diamond ring with a square-cut stone with pointed corners and an inverted pyramid base.

"for me?" Nandini asked with wide eyes.

"actually Nandini-" Manik tried to explain but Nandini was quick to hug him.

"Oh My God!" Nandini exclaimed, "Thank you Manik."

She hugged Manik again and he felt guilty about lying to her. Nandini broke the hug and Manik with a soft smile answered a "Yes".

He held her soft hands and made her wear the ring. Nandini was on cloud nine when Manik got a call. He took her leave to talk on phone while all Nandini did was watch the ring on her finger marking a new relationship. She was soo engrossed that she didnt't recognized Manik who stood a few distance away from her watching her. He was happy that he made her happy. But was angry since Alya was missing and all he knew about her was that she left for some modelling assignment to some place unknown to him. Nandini spotted him and called him towards her.

" Investigate it thoroughly Nandini. I promise it's not fake." Manik laughed getting back to her.

"Manik i want to say something." Nandini looked at him as she took a deep breath.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now